This Is The End (Two Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2013)

This Is The Endf you thought that the Red Wedding on that one episode of Game Of Thrones was bad, just wait until you see This Is The End, the new film from writer/directors Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg. Spoiler Alert: Virtually any popular comedian or pop-culture icon you can think of dies on screen in the first fifteen minutes. You're left gasping for air as the likes of Michael Cera, Aziz Ansari, and Paul Rudd all suffer hellish fates. Not just because it's insane that Seth & Evan cinematically kill all of their friends, but because it's so goddamn funny as it happens. Such is only the start of the pure chaos that resides within This Is The End.

This is one of those movies that makes you sound like a lunatic while you try to describe the plot to your friends afterwards. Jay Baruchel arrives in LA to hang out with Seth Rogan (the actors all play themselves) and ends up getting talked into going to a huge party at James Franco's new extremely expensive house. This party, which is filled with the entire Apatow crew and countless other Hollywood celebrities, serves as many things. It serves as a mini reunion between 3/4s of the principle cast from Freaks And Geeks, a Superbad reunion, and while I won't spoil the fun, it's also a chance to never be able to look at Michael Cera the same ever again. During the party, the Apocalypse erupts around LA in which the only survivors are Jay, Seth, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, and Danny McBride. The group takes shelter inside of Franco's ridiculous house, and thus from their on out the film becomes a love letter to Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg's favorite films and pop culture references.

After nearly a decade of films from the Apatow crew, such as Knocked Up, Superbad, and Pineapple Express, This Is The End feels like the best, if not at least the best since Superbad. It's a solid two hours of non-stop fun. Not only was it fun seeing all the actors share the screen together once again, but it was a blast seeing them all play exaggerated versions of themselves. Jonah is the typical so far up his own ass Hollywood celeb after his Moneyball Oscar nom; Jay hates everything and everyone because he's a Hipster; Franco is secretly obsessed with/in love with Seth, who is, well, I guess the same Seth he's always been; Danny McBride plays practically an amalgam of every character he's ever played; and Craig Robinson has a hugely popular catchphrase, "Take Yo Panties Off" and spends 98% of the film with a towel emblazoned with his name resting on his shoulder. Since they're all playing themselves, they're able to take the fun to extra heights by constantly mocking their previous movies and while exploring James Franco's basement, in which he stores all of his props from past movies, you're treated to such gems as a gun from Flyboys, his severed arm and camcorder (which they all use to film The Real World style confessionals) from 127 Hours, and more importantly, his costume from Pineapple Express. Any fans of that flick will be overjoyed at how that costume plays into This Is The End.

One of the things that made Superbad such a great film was how aside from the fantastic comedy elements, the film also had a heart. It dealt with the awkwardness of growing up in high school and co-dependant friends learning to adjust to social life in separate directions. Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg have again put a heart underneath all of the craziness found in This Is The End, essentially touching on the same subject but just at a much older age. Covering once again the co-dependance of friends, and the unwillingness to accept your friend's other friends, but taking it one step further by showing the importance of treating each other well and always being there for each other. It's not as deeply seeded as it was in Superbad, but it's there and it gives the film more than just a "crazy action comedy" vibe. You can actually emotionally connect with it.

The one thing that everyone will be talking about this most after seeing This Is The End will be the film's third act. To some, they might not like or appreciate how truly off the rails it becomes, but for a film as ridiculous as it already is, it actually works to the film's advantage. Using plenty of references to Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist, and countless other horror films (I swear the scene in Franco's neighbor's house is an homage to Ghostbusters), Seth and Evan just start throwing you curveball after curveball until it ends in one huge heavenly reunion that rivals the Britney Spears scene from Spring Breakers as best Pop Culture Joke of 2013.

This Is The End is not only the best comedy of 2013 so far, but it's one of the absolute best outings from the Apatow crew yet (only marginally behind Superbad). If for no better reason than to see a brief Freaks and Geeks reunion and Jason Segal talking s*** on How I Met Your Mother. Oh, and that Michael Cera thing I mentioned earlier. Definitely for the Michael Cera thing.

One of the great things about THIS IS THE END is the concept. It's a bit obnoxious...but it's also really darn clever. An "end of the world" movie starring actors like Seth Rogan, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, James Franco & Craig Robinson PLAYING THEMSELVES! These actors and a number of their Hollywood friends (Danny McBride, Michael Cera, Paul Rudd, Aziz Ansari and most randomly Rihanna and Emma Watson) all assemble at a party at James Franco's house just when all hell literally breaks loose. True, it sounds a bit self-important and self-indulgent...but who cares when the results are as obscene and hilarious at it all turns out.

This end of the world scenario involves the biblical apocalypse, and it all starts with the rapture, as people all around are suddenly drawn up to the skies by heavenly tractor beams. This is witnessed by Jay Baruchel and Seth Rogan...and they run back to the raucous house party only to discover that NO ONE has been raptured from amongst these Hollywood partiers. That alone is pretty hilarious.

As the scenario plays out, horrible things happen to many of the stars until only a few are left to ride out the end, trapped in Franco's house with a woefully under-stocked pantry. The "plot" of the film isn't terribly important, to be honest...the fun is in watching these guys play versions of themselves that are HIGHLY unflattering, and yet not necessarily so far off the mark to be totally unbelievable (although I sure hope Michael Cera is NOTHING like his character in the film...absolutely disturbing and hilarious). Seth Rogan has some fun riffing on the idea that he plays the same character in all his films. Baruchel HATES all these guys. Jonah Hill comes off as effete and creepy. (And Emma Watson gets to drop some f-bombs and endure some funny Hermione jokes.) And James Franco is looser than he's been in awhile...reminding us of why he became such a big start in recent years.

It's a sloppy film that feels like it was LOADS of fun to make. The laughs are frequent (and frequently around some pretty R-rated material...this film is not for delicate constitutions). The budget is high enough to allow for some pretty amusing sight gags. The jokes and insults fly fast...this is certainly a movie that will reward a repeat viewing, as there is no way to catch everything the first time. And yet, as is often the case with Seth Rogan related comedies, the film has a heart as well. I'm not going to say it's "moving"...but it has moments of redemption which is important, because I think the film might come off as too mean-spirited without them. We need the "soft" moments to take off the edge. This tendency is what has made movies like KNOCKED UP or SUPERBAD into classics...the fact that underneath the edgy, foul-mouthed, "screw it all" attitude is some old-fashioned feeling.

THIS IS THE END doesn't always work. The jokes and bits come so frequently that some of them must misfire. Danny McBride and James Franco have a lengthy scene together in which they discuss...well, let's just say it involves McBride's self-abuse proclivities...and it goes on for too long. It's funny at first, but then just crosses the line. This is a film that really tries hard to come up to the line over and over...sometimes it crosses over with crassness and sometimes just by letting the jokes go on a few beats too long. But it HITS far more than it misses.

THIS IS THE END is VERY funny and very offensive (in the best possible way). It is deeply politically incorrect (yea!). It is certainly not for everyone. If you like the group of actors mentioned and the films referenced, it should please you immensely. But if you've seen 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN and hated it and wondered what the fuss was's unlikely you'd want to spend your time with this film. I really enjoyed it myself, and certainly would highly recommend it to the RIGHT group of friends.

Buy This Is The End (Two Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2013) Now

With the amount of talent this has lined up, it would be strange if it was not a good time at the movies. Based on a short film called Jay & Seth vs. the Apocalypse, this movie ups the ante in every sense of the word. The comedy you have come to expect from Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Craig Robinson, James Franco, Jonah Hill, and Danny McBride is top notch. The rest of the cast, all playing themselves, is also played perfectly. Injected with horror in fact, some right out of famous horror films like Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist, this movie also brings the scares and gore, although it never loses sight that it is a comedy, first and foremost.

When Jay comes to LA to party with Seth, they end up hitting a party at James Franco's new, druglord-type mansion. All the celebrities are there: the main cast of 6 mentioned above, Michael Cera, Rihanna, and others that I won't spoil the cameos for. Then, it comes to a crashing halt when the party is stopped by the oncoming End of Days. Death and destruction leave the 6 leads trapped in James' house, with very little but themselves to entertain each other and survive. Comedy ensues in every form, from spoofing themselves in nearly every movie they've been in, to the explicit vulgarity we have come to love in their films like Superbad, Pineapple Express, Knocked Up, and so on, but kicked up a few notches. Everyone gets a chance to shine too, which is great, because they all give 110%, and the movie is all the better for it. The horror is in top form too. It is surprising how easy it just comes to the screen in such a raunchy comedy with these recognizable faces, but that is part of what makes the movie so enjoyable.

You will laugh at nearly everything that this film throws at you, even if you feel you shouldn't be laughing at, such as exorcism and drinking urine. I expected this movie to be funny, but not near as funny as it turned out to be. Not only did Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen write this, they also directed it. Keep them in mind, because they will be getting much more to do when this movies hits hard. I expect this to be one that we talk about for years to come, and has set the bar high in the world of comedy.

Read Best Reviews of This Is The End (Two Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy) (2013) Here

I don't get brought to tears much in comedy, but these guys nailed it, for me anyway. I recommend this if you like any of these actors, or the overall concept of "making fun of one self".

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Theater Review *spoilers ahead*

Okay, I saw this in the theater a few days ago and here is my view on things...

I haven't seen many films but it seems like the script was thrown together over a drunk weekend. But, from what I've been told, these actors seem to make movies together and that is how they "roll"

The script isn't a new one but they seem to pull it off and makes the audience wonder what exactly is going on. I personally thought it was aliens what were abducting people but when he started talking about the bible, I put it all together. He doesn't seem to get much right but I guess that was the intended purpose. We go through a lot of dialogue with a bunch of it way "over the top" (too vulgar to say on here but anyone that's seen the movie would get it) One scene that was funny was when the girl with the Axe was going to get some sleep and the guys were joking around about which one of them (the guys) they will rape first...she overhears and gets out of the house.

Okay, from start to finish......The party and the scenes were very funny. the "obnoxious" guy with the two girls was....not. Taking a look at the scenes with the fires all over and the pit that swallows up most of the party goers (who none of them get "raptured" isn't really was funny to watch, yet, sad to see.

When their other friend shows up and eats their food (you know, the ignorant one), I could see the situation for these guys to be going downhill fast. They fight, fight, fight until he leaves, only to reappear as the demonic carnivore. The premise of how the guys get "raptured" for doing "good" deeds is very cheesy and over the top. They witness demonic flying creatures, chimera (I think) and one demon who sneaks into one of their room with a 5 foot long...well.....umm.....never mind. (another example of over the top humor)

Well (without giving the movie away) some of them get raptured (one gets raptured but was arrogant..thus wasn't....and gets eaten) some just die from various things. But, overall, at the end when you see 1,000 foot tall Satan and his "package" (something I did not want to see) and they get away, I knew that the movie was most likely over.

Overall, this movie will most likely turn away anyone remotely "religious" and send them out of the house screaming "Blasphemer" and running to get holy water to get out the demon that is in pocession of the person's body (oh, the homage to the horror classic was well done)

A little too vulgar for me to give it 5 stars. Enough of a plot and twists and turns to get three.....

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