There aren't a lot of surprises once the action starts, and it is definitely violent, and bloody, but in a 'im gonna kill you creatively, and make cracks and wise-ass comments while I do it' kind of way.
If you are looking for friend green tomatoes, look elsewhere. If you have a dark sense of humor, then you should enjoy every last minute of it.
Enjoy Rob Corddry in his best role since H&K Guantanmo.
Buy Operation: Endgame (2010) Now
I found it funny in a somewhat dark sense of humor. Assassins locked up and hating each other in an underground bunker? Why not. It's not like an AMAZING movie ever made but it made me laugh. Rent if first, watch it, and if your like me (I buy movies IIIII like) then purchase it. :)Read Best Reviews of Operation: Endgame (2010) Here
Seventy-nine minutes of mindless froth that, on second viewing, was slightly more entertaining than the first. I believe this is director Fouad Mikati's first film (and hopefully last?) and he goes at it with gusto as do the cast who seem to be enjoying themselves doing nothing in particular and they get paid for it, too.Rob Corddry hams it up best of all and Ellen Barkin, Odette Annable plus Emilie de Ravin provide the eye candy. Zach Galifianakis seemed rather out of place as if he strolled onto the set from some other production nearby. Ving Rhames and Jeffrey Tambor have so little time on screen that their talents are wasted.
The two teams of assassins slug it out in an underground bunker and that really is all there is to it except that the death of each seems to provide vicarious thrills to each killer. The storyline is so paper-thin that I can't see how the production could be anything other than fun froth.
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Operation Endgame is a fun, funny and violent action/mystery movie that suffers from the inclusion of a horribly tacked on character played by someone who was obviously looking to collect a pay check. Zach Galifianakis is a complete waste of space in this movie. In fact, his role in this movie could be completely eliminated without changing the story one bit. It's as if some movie executive was given the script for this film and said, "Let's hire that fat, bearded guy from The Hangover and put him in this movie. What, there is no role for him to play? Well let's just add one." Thank god Mr. Galifianakis is only in the movie for 5 minutes. But it's 5 minutes of horrible acting that doesn't add anything to the movie. Seriously, my grandmother could put on a better performance in this role and she's been dead for 2 years.As for the rest of the movie, it's mostly great. Mostly. Chock full of black humor and over the top violence, it had me chuckling until the last 15 minutes. That's where things start to fall apart. The last 15 minutes feel very rushed, slapping the audience in the face with story elements that are meant to tie up the plot. Part of this is of course the writer trying desperately to explain why Zach Galifianakis' character, the Hermit, was even there to begin with, as "the movie studio made me do it" wouldn't have been an acceptable reason. (Even though it would have been the most valid reason.) What it ultimately boils down to is one man with great power suddenly developing a conscience and deciding to put an end to the manipulation of the world. But the manner in which the movie brings us to this end is a bit convoluted. No more insane and illogical than your average anime movie, mind you. But definitely not a simple, spoon-fed answer that we're used to getting in American cinema.
This is a funny movie IF you like black humor. It's dark, gritty, cynical, and obscene. If you're watching this because Zach Galifianakis is in it and you're expecting The Hangover 2, you're going to be very disappointed. But get beyond him and you've got an entertaining, if violent, hour and a half ahead of you.
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