I own over 200 Blu Ray discs and this is the single worst I have ever seen. The DVD is better image quality than this disc. I didn't know it was possible to take such a high quality format to such a low performance level.
The movie has been grotesquely over corrected with noise reduction and edge enhancements. Portions of it look almost like a comic book due to lack of detail in darker areas. Didn't anybody actually watch this before approving its release? I would return it except that it is not the sellers fault that the studio released such poor quality.
The sound quality is excellent.
I really like this movie; I think it is one of Mr. Williams best. I was really looking forward to the Blu Ray but will now stick to the DVD for any future viewings.We watch this every Christmas and love it each time. Great fun story. Mom and Dad are hysterical! Check it out.
Buy Make The Yuletide Gay Blu-ray (2009) Now
I rented this film and enjoyed it immensely, and was glad to see it become available on bluray, does not dissappoint.Read Best Reviews of Make The Yuletide Gay Blu-ray (2009) Here
This is an annual holiday watch for us. It is so very good. Having it on blu-ray is a real treat.an absolutely fabulous gay classie to watch every christmas. love it. highly recommened foe everyone. cant wait foe the sequal.
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