Look Who's Talking

Look Who's Talking"Look Who's Talking" is probably my favorite film with Kirstie Alley, my favorite film with John Travolta (though "Grease" comes close) and my favorite film with Bruce Willis (though I'm not exactly a fan of his). It's funny, it's romantic, it's got some innovative special effects, a couple of car chases, and John Travolta even gets to fly a plane (which he must have really enjoyed at the time!).

Kirstie Alley plays Mollie, an accountant who has an office affair with one of her clients (George Segal), and ends up getting pregnant. It wasn't planned, and she's a little ashamed of the source, but Mollie soon warms to the idea of having a baby. After a traumatic day late in the preganacy, Mollie goes into labor in the middle of the bustling streets of New York, and takes a cab driven by the easy going James (John Travolta). Though it's not really what he wants to do (he wants to be a pilot) he's very good at driving a cab, and gets Mollie there very quickly. She has the baby, Mikey, and he's something of a thinker (voice/thoughts spoken by Bruce Willis), wondering to himself what this strange world around him is, and who these strange people around him are. He starts to grow up as time goes on, and Mollie decides to look for a father. She made a mistake, and she owes it to Mikey to find him a Dad. She dates here, she dates there, but could the right Dad be staring her in the face this whole time?

Everyone plays their part well, and the plot flows really nicely, bit of action, bit of a thoughtful moment, bit of a laugh. It's a romatic comedy of sorts, and it's a funny look at early motherhood, it's interesting seeing both happening at the same time. It's one of those films I can watch again and again, and have done over the years. The soundtrack is great too, a mixture of some older pop hits and contemporary 1980s tunes (including "Dumb Things" by Australian musician Paul Kelly during the taxi labor scene, a song I really like).

Overall, it's a sweet and funny little film, a definitely worth a look for fans of anyone in it. Recommended.

LOOK WHO'S TALKING actually did very well when it came out. I think these amazon people take things too seriously or don't have kids, or have such stressful lives they can't enjoy any kind of humor these movies have. I even enjoyed it when it came out and i was still in elementary school. My mom enjoyed it, and she loved babies and everything that had to do with babies and kids. Parents would enjoy this movie, not all but most. I'm not even one of those "kid lovers" I like kids, but not obsessed or anything like many kid lovers are. But LOOK WHO'S TALKING is a simple comedy with many funny parts like when kirstie alley's voice turned into a devil voice as she went into labor, because of the pain. To me, and my mom that part was hilarious and many women could relate to that because giving birth is no picnic, especially when it's your first baby. I've never given birth, but i've heard the stories. Anyways, i also read many amazon people's reviews about how horrible look who's talking too was, i'm thinkin' what is wrong with people nowadays? That was a cute movie too, the baby girl was as cute as a button, and the acting wasn't bad. I dont understand that. And at the end when mikey took his baby sisters's hand and they walked, and you could see her wobbling, and that cute baby walk which is so cute words can't describe, and the song i got you babe added to the moment. What's not to love, that was an adorable ending all i could say was AWWWWWW!!! people need to lighten up, especially if you wanna be good parents. Try to enjoy life, and not take things so seriously. These movies were basically about that. All those little funny and heartwarming moments when your kid is born and starts to grow and learn. But LOOK WHO'S TALKING NOW i must agree with the others because it was horrible. It doesn't make sense frankly, the first two films were about talking babies, why go to dogs? I like dogs and everything buy WHY? It's almost embarassing to watch. Kind of absurd and yes the acting was horrific, and cheeesy script, and everything in the film was flat out stupid. What next talking furniture and appliances lol. But the first two are still great films, and john travolta is one of my favorite actors, and elias koteas who was in number two was funny, like he was in some kind of wonderful.

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I've loved this movie since I was young, and didn't get half the jokes. A lot of the jokes are aimed at the adult audience, rather than teaching kids how they came into the world it wasn't by a stork!

With all the recent bad press about Kirstie Alley's weight gain, it's good to watch her, when she was still reasonably slim. And she looks great in this film. Especially when she does the little dance, while feeding Mikey, and John Travolta walks in.

Although John Travolta will never be as good as he was in Grease, this is one of those movies, where he provides the laughs, and genuinely looks quite nice especially when he has the bruise, after Mikey's real dad hits him with a phone! (You just wanna kiss him all better!) His love of beer and fast food is beginning to show in this, as he has a little stomach, which then becomes a big stomach for Pulp Fiction!

I'm never quite sure as Bruce Willis as the voice of Mikey. When I was younger, I probably didn't see a lot of Bruce Willis in movies, and still to this day, I don't really recognise his voice. He's trying too hard to have a high voice, and sure, on certain words, he lets slip, and you can hear its him. But it just doesn't sound like him.

This is a terrific film, to watch as a youngster, and as an adult, and be able to appreciate the sexual chemistry between John & Kirstie. It's funny, and although, the sequels aren't as good, when are they? I just have to get the second one on DVD now!

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I did not like this as I did not know the words it had in it not good for a 10 year old to watch

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This was a great movie my daughter loved it. It was packaged nicely and was a new copy. It was also a great price. I would recommend any to buy this DVD.


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