This movie was alot of fun to watch, and very enjoyable. It starts off a bit slow as you are introduced to the various characters, However, after that it really takes off, and the longer you watch, the better it gets. The actors were all very very good and the plot was great. The interaction between the actors makes for rich humor with out being stupid, and you never know what will happen next. So, you have humor, action, budding romance, hitmen, mob bosses, crime, upset mothers, and all kinds of wonderfull characters to enjoy. Filmed in Northern Irland, so sometimes the accents are a bit hard to understand, but not often. This movie can be viewed by the whole family. No F-bombs, no nudity, no sexual situations, and what violence there is was done with taste and consideration. If you decide to see this movie, I'll bet you will not be dissatisfied. Enjoy.

"We were robbed, he got the brown bag. Yes, that brown bag." Jimbo is a young father who has a gambling problem. When he gets in deep to a local mob boss he has one choice. Pay him back or give him his son. With his back against the wall he decides to rob a fish market, but for a non-criminal things don't always go right. This first and foremost is a really funny comedy. Just seeing the events unfold on its own is really funny and entertaining to watch but when mixed with the dialog it makes it that much more fun to watch. This movie combines the best of British crime movies with American comedy. While this movie won't win any awards it is one of the most entertaining movies that I have seen in a while and I recommend this. The type of movie you can just put in and not really have to think about, just watch and enjoy. I liked it. Overall, very entertaining and very much worth seeing. I give it a B+.
Buy Stand Off BD/Combo (2011) Now
Very funny movie. It is set in Belfast Ireland and the cast is mostly Irish and British, other than Brendan and YaYa. Fast paced with lots of action and humor. I am a fan of Brendan Fraser from the Mummy movies. Colm Meaney provides a strong perfomance as well. The film is directed by academy award winning director Terry George.
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I really liked the film. I am a big fan of Director Terry George, and he really delivers. I am a big fan of YaYa and Colm Meaney. It was good to see Brendan Fraser again. I loved him in the Mummy movies!
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In Ireland a local gambler owes a hood $. The hood decides instead of the $ he will take the local's son as the hood has been unable to have a child.
The local, encouraged by his friend, decideds to rob the fish market as it is said that there is $ there. When he arrives to do the deed there is little $ there because people use debit cards. He takes off and ends up in Brendan Fraser's antique shop. Reminded me of Albino Alligator and Dog Day Afternoon as they are stuck there.
Some occasional funny parts, some swearing, thick accents. Brandan appears on the front but he is not the main chracter, likeable none-the-less. Also, an odd character twist that not even Brandon is sure about.
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