It's Halloween, and video store clerk Stan has to drop off some videos at his boss's mother's house before he, Nadine, Teddy, and Teddy's girl Mia (Desi Lydic) an exotic dancer turned masseuse can go to the big Halloween party. Along the way, they encounter one crazy, oftentimes dangerous, and consistently comical obstacle after another. Eventually, they find themselves trapped in Stormy Night Estates, where Stan discovers that he is expected to save the town from the menace of six monsters: Lucky (Chucky), Mason (Jason), Fweddy (Freddy Krueger), Pleatherface (Leatherface), Needlehead (Pinhead), and Michael Criers (Michael Meyers). It turns out that there's some Van Helsing in him, after all.
Interestingly enough, Ken Kirzinger (who played Jason Voorhees in Jason vs. Freddy) plays the part of Mason. You also have Leslie Nielsen playing the part of a waitress, which certainly doesn't take anything away from the comedy of the story. A number of movies are, of course, mocked along the way, and I think the whole concept works quite well. I laughed out loud several times over the course of this movie. I know a lot of people are putting Stan Helsing on their lists of the worst movies ever made, but I hope those who haven't seen it yet will give it a chance. I think it's hilarious.I believe that this movie was actually entertaining. I took it for what it was and you notice that just by off the cover art of the movie. it was fun and its great to watch with friends if your just looking for some laughs without having a story that has twist and turns to confuse you. i recommend this movie and believe that its worth every penny. Its cheesy and filled with hilarious punch lines that you could joke around with your friends later. Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program The only things going for this self-proclaimed horror film parody are decent production values and attractive actresses. The movie itself, which is not really a parody of anything but just a limp comedy, is dumb and often dull. The attempts at humor are usually mean-spirited, too, and usually made at the expense of the female characters (who the producers apparently want us to look at but not respect).
Look, to carry over the vulgar parlance of the movie, I'm usually an easy lay with this sort of dumb comedy: I don't need or expect Shakespeare. Just keep things minimally engaging, throw a few chuckles my way, and I'll likely give it three stars and recommend it for some modest home entertainment. Nothing wrong with something silly and fun, after all. But "Stan Helsing" is just boring (the supreme sin of a creative work, in my book) and eye-rollingly stupid. I'm guessing that comedy icon Leslie Nielsen is thankful he was only subjected to a fairly small role in this production.
I'm sorry to say all this, as the actors and folks behind the camera seem like perfectly nice people in the 10-minute "making of" bonus feature (though the script makes me wonder about writer/director Bo Zenda), but I have to call it like I see it. In the end, if you're looking for a fun little horror comedy to get you in the mood for Halloween, let me quote one of Mr. Nielsen's much better comedies and say, "Nothing to see here, move along, nothing to see here..."Good funny Halloween movie, cleverly blends all of the classic horror movie icons such as Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy, Chucky, Leatherface and Pinhead and makes fun of them in a humorous way. Great entertaining moviefunny goofy movie laugh through the whole thing watched it over and over to plain old good funny movie haha
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