Mac & Devin Go to High School (2012)

Mac & Devin Go to High SchoolEvery generation needs its great stoner comedies! Who better than vocal supporters of the smoke, Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa, to usher in a cool and contemporary new vision of high times at high school? Seemed like a great idea and I was actually rooting for "Mac and Devin Go To High School" to be a mind altering good time. Aside from a few amusing ideas, though, this Snoop Dogg production harshed my mellow. Painfully unfunny and utterly plotless, this barely even qualifies as a movie. Form start to finish, it runs just over an hour which includes two full musical numbers and a series of unrelated man-on-the-street interviews to serve as filler. Without these elements, it would be more like forty minutes. Even that might be acceptable if the movie offered any entertainment value. Not even half-baked does this qualify as fun. Its humor is almost non-existent, its performances are lifeless, and its graphics are amateurish (seriously, the special effects are done on someone's home computer so don't expect any big fun psychedelic interludes). Heck, it works more as an educational film about chronic than anything else. Even the worst stoner comedies embrace their over-the-top silliness, I just can't believe how dull this is!

The movie starts out great. A talking blunt named Slow Burn (voiced by Mystikal) introduces the film and is both amusing and creative. Forget about the "real" actors, I'd have preferred the entire story to revolve around Slow Burn! He pops up once or twice more and is the only character that I thought was interesting. Snoop Dogg plays a high school student who's in his fifteenth year as a senior (his actual age would probably put that at closer to 20 or 25). He's the resident bad boy and dealer, a rebel that everyone loves and all women want to be with. Wiz Khalifa, on the other hand, plays an uptight scholar looking to make a success of his life. Of course, being educated, working hard, or being ambitious are all attributes worthy of scorn as the screenplay continually tells us. Snoop takes Khalifa under his wing and the pair spend the rest of the movie smoking. That's about all the plot you get aside from a throw-away side story where Snoop must graduate to get with a hot substitute teacher. Serious drama! I mean what woman in her right mind wouldn't think he was a catch?

Again, I wasn't expecting "Mac and Devin Go To High School" to be some big epic. I just wanted it to be funny. The soundtrack, which came out seven months ago, has the hit "Young, Wild, and Free" which gets a big production number at the graduation ceremony. But trust me, the music doesn't save you from the utter boredom of the rest of the movie. Mike Epps is wasted in a small role and Andy Milonakis (who I generally like) is quite annoying. But as loud and over-the-top as Milonakis is, at least he's trying to breathe some life into the film! Stoned or stone cold sober, this was a big disappointment that felt completely homemade. Should have been stupid fun, but its not even smart enough to reach for that. KGHarris, 6/12.

One of the worst stoner flicks Ive ever seen. If you're looking for some Cheech and Chong, Half Baked, Jay and Silent Bob etc etc THIS AINT IT! The 2 stars is for Snoop, and the cameos. Least it was cheap through Amazon, even being that its a Blu Ray. Still a total waste of cash.

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Im not a pot smoker, but thought it be fun, it was really bad but if I was high who knows maybe I'd love it. Unless your a pot smoker and even if you are I'd say pass. It's not as fun as you think it would be.

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The film opens up with a talking joint informing you that the only way to watch this film is to be stoned. It is designed to be cheesy and campy with names like "N. Hale High School" and "Ralph Skinnfloot". It has an immaturity appeal to it. The plot is immaterial and the film would have been better as a "Groovetube" type film than trying to follow a plot about an old pot dealer in HIGH school.

The humor was re-hashed (pardon my drug pun) jokes and dialouge that would indeed sound better stoned. The movie suggests that you smoke pot continuously. Even seasoned pot smokers know better than that. The cartoon aspect of the film was good as was the talking joint with the bloodshot eyes. If they had incorporated the joint into the film, rather than someone talking as an aside, I think that would have been more entertaining to a stoned audience.

Parental Guide: Over abundance of F-bombs and N-words. Sex and Nudity. Sex talk.

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Bought the movie and got it sent to my ship... When I received it my fellow sailors took it and watched it before I did... A bunch of them would walk up to me and tell me I need to watch the movie it's funny as $&@! So finally I got time to actually sit down and watch it and I was amazed at how funny the movie actually ended up to be. Wish it took place in the 412 tho....

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