It's great, but not for everyone, and Bobcat doesn't care. That's commendable in this day and age. He wants to insult Glee and Diablo Cody (I hated "Juno" for the same reason he does)? He does. He can't be bothered to care if someone won't like it or aiming for universal appeal thus stripping the movie out of all pottentialy controversial opinions or moments. And, boy, does this have them...
Buy God Bless America (2012) Now
Are you one of those people who feel ill when exposed to reality televison? Did you watch the moive Idiocracy and think, "This isn't just a movie, it's a prophecy." Do you let idiots win arguments because it just isn't worth it to waste the oxygen? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I highly recommend that you watch God Bless America.God Bless America has to be one smartest films I've seen in years. This isn't some generic garbage that Hollywood poops out, with the intention of pleasing's the exact opposite. This movie has a target audience, and you'll be 100% sure if you're that target audience, if you can make it past the first five minutes of the movie. If you can't make it past the first five minutes of this movie, I would suggest you go and enjoy some Jersey Shore reruns.
Read Best Reviews of God Bless America (2012) Here
"God Bless America" is good, but for a reason many people will either find strange or disagree with entirely: It's a movie that needs to be there.As some other reviewers have noted, "God Bless America" is more of a rant than a movie, but the ranting is the reason for the movie to exist. It's a statement embedded in good acting and pretty cinematography.
It features a plotline that is by no means wholly believeable (that never stopped anyone from making an episode of The Mentalist) and it is nothing *like* entirely pleasant (that never stopped anyone from watching an episode of The Mentalist) in which two alienated loners, a divorced middle-aged man and a too-clever teenaged girl, find one another and go on a killing spree that features representations from a rogue's gallery of American incivlity and mental degeneration; one that includes, among others, a Glenn Beck clone, a "God-hates-gays" preacher and a large sampling of the superficial, the cruel, the entitled and the merely rude.
It is a rant wrapped in a thin layer of movie that displays a very linnear, paint-by-the-numbers plot, the point of which makes the movie almost like something Brecht might have written were he alive today. Goldthwaite's story and how he tells it, like Brecht's, pushes the viewer back far enough to see the point: that we are so bombarded by multimillionaire media personalities vomiting nonsense, dwarf-tossers, infinitely entitled celebrities and the people who have given us the worst of YouTube, that our world is riddled by a media-fueled cancer of noise in which each tumor of diseased culture is replaced by the next one so quickly that horrible events driven by horrible people have become our norm and we cease to notice the presence of the disease, that things were ever otherwise, or to imagine that anything else is possible.
"God Bless America" is a black comedy that at times is not entirely funny, but that is nevertheless worth watching for its point.
If it *was* entirely funny, it would be part of the problem.Thank You Mr.Goldthwait. Very funny and sadly true. I recomnd this movie to anyone who is not a complete idiot and can't think for themselves. Enjoy
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