For the price, this is a great buy. The movie is very funny and the blu-ray is amazing. I really thought the entire cast did a very good job. I was never bored and have been telling my friends all about this sleeper hit.

The movie "Devolved" is a wonderful cross between "Lord of the Flies" and "American Pie". It is both very funny and insightful. The characters are well drawn and the ensemble cast is an example of how a good Director can mesh disparate types into a unified whole. The performances of the three leads make this movie better than most teen genre productions. Rob Adamson is quite good in his portrayal of the stereotypical arrogant "jock" while Lyndsey Shaw as the point of the love triangle shows she is a very special young actress. Gary Entin shines in his portrayal of Flynn, the loner/outsider. Exhibiting a range not typical of young actors Entin moves from nerdy to popular insider and finally to the moral center of the piece in a seemless fashion. The entire film rocks with an energy that is hard to quantify, but "Devolved" and its young stars is a film well worth watching and owning
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Well Gilligans Island meets...some teen movie with jocks vs nerds. How do you pull that off? Well Im still wondering that. The acting wasn't all that great. It had some entertaining moments and some What the....? Moments. Honestly Its ok to watch on a rainy day but not something to rush to the video store to rent or buy. The characters were not developed well, there were way too many people on that island and they were mostly there for decoration because they had one or two lines throughout the entire film. AS for the hot girl on the cover, shes one of the main characters, but isn't entertaining.
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The title has nothing to do with the movie and cover has everything to do with the movie. A budget, and thus film quality, the size of a high school film project thus we are limited to one small beach near LA (that's it) with a lot of mid to older 20 year olds acting like they're 17 and playing a tame, almost laughable well, OK laughable, version of "Lord of the Flies" on their tiny patch of sandy beach with it's one small bonfire. That's the movie.
Acting experience for the majority of the cast is either nothing (nada) or a couple of unknown brief made-for-TV series and shorts.
Plot: Nerds vs. jocks kiddy attempt at humor so what' new. Even the two brief scenes of topless females seemed gratuitous.
Production crew: From credits that lasted as long as the movie you would think that with a production crew outnumbering the wannabe actors by a factor of 10 to 1 that all that money would have been used to produce something interesting. Instead, it's just a lot of production litter cluttering a trash bin or, hopefully, recycling barrel as it's everlasting legacy.
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Severin Films has garnered a lot of notice in the last year with the release of one of the latest cult phenomenon's Birdemic Now company co-founder, John Cregan has unleashed his directorial debut. But, does Cregan have the same eye for filmmaking as he does picking which film promote?
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