Gentlemen Broncos (2009)

Gentlemen BroncosI had seen reviews for this movie on Rotten Tomatoes and rated on IMDB and can't understand why it got such horrible reviews. I just watched this movie tonight and found it absolutely hilarious from start to finish. Clement and Rockwell are great, and Mike White makes me bust out laughing in every scene he is in. This is an exceedingly original film, I can't think of anything to compare it to off the top of my head, and the fact that Cher and the Scorpions are both in the soundtrack makes all the more loopy. PLEASE GIVE THIS MOVIE A CHANCE!

As soon as I heard about Jared Hess' latest project, I was excited to see it even before the Dr. Chevalier viral videos were released.

So I was a tad let down to hear the negative buzz surrounding the film, and to discover it wouldn't be playing in any nearby theaters.

Even still, I decided to take a chance and purchase it on BluRay instead of renting. I'm one of the minority who really liked not only Napoleon Dynamite, but ALSO enjoyed Nacho Libre (typical response to Nacho Libre was poor). So I figured Gentlemen Broncos was a safe bet. ...and it turns out that it was!

Admittedly, there are a couple of "what the heck" scenes (particularly those involving Halley Feiffer) which I think some will find a bit off-putting if not totally repulsive, but overall the film is chock full of hilarious gems. (The PG-13 rating was due primarily to crude humor. There was one instance where "ape sh**" was used, but no swearing beyond that.)

I thought all of the characters were very well-played by their respective actors. Jemaine Clement's Ronald Chevalier is often cited as the show-stealer, and for good reason, but I found myself wanting to see more of Sam Rockwell's Bronco character. His near-hillbilly (fantastic southern accent) action hero portrayal was delightful to watch. I laughed hysterically at his "What the crap?!" reaction upon waking up in Daysius' lab.

It did seem like there could've been more extra features, but maybe that was because I'd seen many of them (the "Webspots") online prior to the release. The behind-the-scenes was a treat, which I would also liked to have seen more of, but the outtakes made up for it.

Buy Gentlemen Broncos (2009) Now

I went into this movie knowing NOTHING about it. And I LOVED it. For me personally this is Hess' best film. It's incredibly quirky, there are so many great moments. Sam Rockwell is comic gold. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who liked his other films at all.

I would also like to say that I think the price of the DVD is pretty ridiculous and will inevitably spurn piracy. I am torn about buying it. I want a copy pretty badly but I don't know if I should wait the price out or not.

Read Best Reviews of Gentlemen Broncos (2009) Here

I just finished watching this movie. It was hilarious. Every single character in the movie has something about them that makes me laugh out loud. Sam Rockwell was great switching from the macho Bronco to the effeminate Brutus. I loved the use of low quality special effects, and I loved the location of the movie. Everything about it reeked of late 70s and early 80s.

I loved how cluelessly sleazy the characters are (Especially the guardian angel!)

I saw that this film got negative reviews, which is why I gave it a chance. The majority of people do not seem to embrace the kind of humor that I adore. I love humor that is dry, and weird, and uncomfortable. This movie does not disappoint in that department.

If you like awkward, dorky movies that are off the beaten path, then this is the movie for you.

Want Gentlemen Broncos (2009) Discount?

I'm one of the rare viewers who thinks the Hess' movies are getting better with each one. Anyone who was into sci-fi/fantasy books as a kid should get a good laugh at the lampooning of sci-fi kitch. Clement is perfectly cast as Chevalier and Rockwell is hilariously dry in his roles as Bronco/Brutus. I can't believe the studio bailed on this film without giving it a chance for the public -especially college-aged kids -to check it out. But it will eventually become a cult classic on DVD.

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