Buy 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With the Devil (2012) Now
If you're in the mood to watch a cheesy movie with poor acting then I recommend this movie. If you're looking for a more serious parody then look away.Read Best Reviews of 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With the Devil (2012) Here
Craig Moss may be the single most untalented writer and director that ever lived, as evidenced by 30 NIGHTS OF PARANORMAL ACTIVITY WITH THE DEVIL INSIDE THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, the latest in low-brow Horror spoofs that is a disgrace to the art of filmmaking. Moss takes on everything from the "found-footage" genre to Storage Wars and other lame pop culture references, posing only the most basic and expected humor to an increasingly irritated audience. When the idiotic attempts at parody fail, Moss falls back on what he knows best: crude sex and fart jokes. Moss selfishly allows the awful cast to make complete fools of themselves on screen, ensuring their availability for his next project (should anyone allow him to work again). 30 NIGHTS OF PARANORMAL ACTIVITY WITH THE DEVIL INSIDE THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO should serve as an embarrassment to all parties involved in its creation, but especially to French Stewart, Peter Gilroy, and Tyler Phillips, who are most likely to face public ridicule for their performances. Without needing to see another film, 30 NIGHTS OF PARANORMAL ACTIVITY WITH THE DEVIL INSIDE THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO should be voted "Worst in 2013."-Carl Manes
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This is another multiple movie spoof. The main movie that is spoofed is "Paranormal Activity 3", considering the role of the pool crawler. If I claimed I got every spoof and pop culture reference, I would be a liar. The movie starts out with found footage of a man who killed the cast of "The Artist" in 1989. Clearly this is a spoof of the multiple anachronisms that have popped up in the Paranormal series. Fans of Adele and "The Black Swan" be forewarned as they are not treated kindly.The humor is course and crude for too much of the film. It ruined what good scenes and satire the writers came up with. Early in the film they have multiple camera men shooting from different angles etc. Later in a scene we see the director. Again spoofs of the absurdity of these films. In addition to movies being spoofed, TV shows are spoofed as well as pop games and Internet porn.
Being hip to pop culture is a must to enjoy this film. If you enjoyed this feature, you might want to catch "A Haunted House."
Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity.
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