The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2010)

The Disappearance of Haruhi SuzumiyaThe disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is based on the light novel by Nagaru Tanigawa. *note, I have seen it, and will try not release spoilers on this post* This is a continuation of the Haruhi series. Clocking in at almost 3 hours long, it is one of the longest anime movies Ive seen. This takes place around the middle of December where Haruhi is planning a Christmas party for the SOS Brigade.

About a day later (end of the prologue) Kyon wakes up and finds out that everyone except him, has forgotten Haruhi even existed. It is a world where Haruhi never existed. He has no idea what caused it, or what he's suppose to do to fix everything. Yuki, who in this is a scared timid girl, who smiles when happy, and even cries. A certain character makes a return appearance. A person other than Haruhi also goes missing. And everyone thinks Kyon is crazy when he lashes out about Haruhi.

It is truly an excellent film, and was HIGHLY rated among anime communities. Note that to understand alot of this movie you have to have seen seasons one and two, lest you be lost in the multiple references to earlier episodes. Personally I bought the movie with English subs, and watch it multiple times. I cant wait for this release (disregard this statement after its release).

This movie keeps your attention throughout the whole thing, and when you think its over, your only half-way through, with a very satisfying end. This movie delivers exactly what Haruhiists have been hoping for since its announcement.

I realize that there are many other Amazon reviews for "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya," so I'll be brief:


I enjoyed watching this high-end production of one of the most interesting story arcs in the "Haruhi Suzumiya" light novel series. The movie is slow-moving at first, but it really picks up half-way through. The animation, story adaptation, music, and character development are top-notch, and Kyoto Animation obviously put a lot of effort into the making of this film. It seems that this was their "love letter" to the fans of the Haruhi Suzumiya series (and, perhaps it can be seen as an "apology note" for making many people frustrated over the infamous "Endless Eight" episodes). However, if you're a newcomer to the series, it would be best to watch the TV series beforehand (or read the manga or light novels, if you prefer). Unfortunately, this film isn't very accessible to newcomers, and it's almost required that you recall and understand certain events from the series in order to fully enjoy the story. If you're new to the series or if you're a fan who needs a little refresher on the plot, the most important episodes to look over are "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" (Parts 1 through 6) and "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody." Although a bit slow paced and lacking accessibility to new fans, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film. {Film Rating: 4.5 out of 5}

Bandai's DVD/Blu-Ray Combo Pack Release:

As for Bandai's release, the voice-acting for the English dub is excellent, and once again, Crispin Freeman's performance as the brooding protagonist, Kyon, steals the spotlight. The picture quality of the Blu-Ray looks great on a big High-Definition Television. There's a fair amount of extras included on an extra DVD disc, although I wish they also included the extras together on the Blu-Ray disc. The packaging feels a bit "bare-boned"---for one of Bandai's most highly anticipated releases of the year, I wish they put a bit more effort into making the packaging feel a bit more special and attractive. Overall, this is another high-quality release by Bandai, but I wish they put more effort into the packaging to showcase this special movie. {Bandai's Release Rating: 4 out of 5}


If you're a fan of the series, save up your pennies and buy this. If you're a newcomer who's interested in getting into the series, go and watch the TV series first. You'll certainly not be disappointed about this purchase.

Buy The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2010) Now

Kyon wakes up one day to find his whole world has changed. None of his friends recognize him, not even the unflappable NAGATO Yuki. What's more, Haruhi is no where to be found. So starts a clever twisting, turning story in the Haruhi Suzumiya universe. And it is one of the best. If you are a fan of the original television series, this show is an absolute must. But even if you aren't, or have never seen anything Haruhi related, this film can stand alone and is a joy to watch. The art is crisp, the story-telling is compelling, the drama with all the twists and loopholes is engrossing, and you get the chance to see Yuki with a more rounded personality! Sadly, to say much more about the story would give too much away. Suffice to say, Nagaru Tanigawa somehow keeps his overlapping stories straight, no matter how many times Kyon time travels.

Among the stories that Nagaru Tanigawa has penned in the Haruhi series, this is among the very best. On top of that, the production quality of the film is top-shelf. If you own a Haruhi anime, this should be it. If you are an anime collector, this should be in your collection. I would say more, but I am usually critical and this time have nothing to be critical about.

Read Best Reviews of The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2010) Here

Anyone who has seen the first 2 seasons of this anime needs to experience this movie if you have not seen them, please do or read below. Clocking in at over 2 hrs 43 min, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is a faithful representation of the novel, but in my opinion, conveys the message more effectively than the source material. It is a masterpiece that had me endure almost every human emotion at one time or another.

For anyone who is not familiar with this, the Haruhi Suzumiya saga (Suzumiya Haruhi in Japanese) is an anime adapted from a series of light novels by Nagaru Tanigawa. (PLEASE NOTE THAT I WILL TRY TO KEEP THIS AS SPOILER FREE AS POSSIBLE, BUT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE MOVIE, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE PREMISE OF SEASON 1 AND 2 VERY LIGHT TO NO SPOILERS WILL BE REVEALED ABOUT THE MOVIE.)

It is the story of a sarcastic young man named Kyon who tells us early on that he has put away childish heroes and myths and is ready to experience the real world. On his first day of school he meets a beautiful yet interestingly bored young girl named Haruhi. Yet, unlike a "normal" female student who is interested in dating, sports, or joining school activities, she announces to her class that her only goal is in meeting "aliens, time travelers or espers (psychics)." Pretty weird to say the least!

However, the plot quickly jolts when Kyon unwittingly inspires the melancholic Haruhi to create her own club which she dubs the SOS Brigade (Spreading excitement all Over the world with Suzumiya haruhi brigade or S-O-S for short). The now spirited, eccentric, and almost intimidating Haruhi forcibly drafts Kyon and 3 other students into her club and sets out on a mission to find these supernatural beings and help other students who have dealt with mysterious happenings.

Of course, this would not be a unique anime without using sexy bunny costumes to advertise the club, blackmailing the computer club to set up the brigade's computer network, and students trying to kill Kyon to see how Haruhi's attitude will change...What???...just stay with me for a moment. Also, everyone has to keep Haruhi happy all the time because she has the power to destroy the universe if she gets angry or bored...YES THAT'S RIGHT! Ms. Suzumiya, unbeknownst to her, has supernatural powers that can recreate the entire universe or even destroy or change reality itself!

Another catch...the 3 other SOS club members soon reveal to Kyon that they are in fact the beings Haruhi has been searching for a time traveler, alien and esper who were sent by their respective organizations to keep an eye on Haruhi while preventing the end of the world. To top it off, Kyon is not allowed to tell Haruhi and has to pretend that life is peaches-and-cream, while he experiences giant crickets and lasers shooting out of people's eyes...just to name a few bizarre happenings. And of course, who is behind it guessed it...Haruhi! So how does our cynical and want-to-be normal Kyon feel about this...NOT TOO HAPPY!

Many adventures take place in the first 2 seasons, which is why I heavily recommend watching them before this movie which is in fact the 4th novel in the series. In addition, there are character development and plot elements that rightfully set the viewer up for what happens.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya takes place during Christmastime and the SOS Brigade (really Haruhi) plans to throw a Christmas Eve party in the club room. Kyon, still furious over Haruhi's hi jinx and the fact that he cannot experience a normal life continues to pout over his ridiculous reality...that is until he wakes up one morning and finds out that everything he knows changes. Students and classrooms are missing, sickness is plaguing the school, SOS brigade members have no idea who Kyon is and most importantly...Haruhi Suzumiya disappears!...and no one even remembers who she is!

In a hybrid of "It's a Wonderful Life" meets "Back to the Future," Kyon is given a rare perspective of how things can be without the supernatural chaos that has plagued him for the last few months. Be prepared to undergo numerous emotions as we see Kyon diagnose this new world without Haruhi Suzumiya and even contemplate if this is a reality he secretly desires to remain in. Of course, he still does not know how Haruhi could do such a thing...or is something else pulling the strings of the universe...? Kyon, who has wanted no part of any of this, is now in the driver's seat and is forced to make decisions that will change his life and the world's forever.

This Blu-ray is the Hong Kong version Region A and is compatible with US players, including the PS3. It is well made with the box art being the graphic shown on this page. The disk includes pop-up menus you would expect from a Blu-ray interface and fans of the series will immediately recognize the main menu song "Bouken Desho Desho?" (the opening for Season 1). I will mention that there is an animation of images from the film that could be a little spoiler happy, but nonetheless is still beautiful to see and did not ruin anything for me. The special features are only the trailers, but the real special feature is watching this in High Definition.

The English subtitles are in a crisp white (no yellow -italics garbage) and the animated visuals are gorgeous. There are a few spots where the color seems a bit washed in certain bright scenes but this might appear differently for people's televisions. In addition, it is true that people can watch this movie on the web, but there is no comparison to watching it in 1080p in your living room.

The movie is currently being dubbed in English and should be coming to our shores later this year (which I too will pick-up). However, if you cannot wait, pick up this Japanese language/English Subs edition.

In conclusion, in my opinion, this is the best anime movie that I have ever seen. What Season 1 and 2 did in comedy and suspense, Disappearance bridges into seriousness and contemplation. The soundtrack, produced by Satoru Kosaki, sounds simple yet magnificent especially the track "Ready." Although the movie is lengthy, it always captures my attention in all the right places and I am left wanting more. You will laugh, you will will reflect even after the movie finishes. For those who have seen both Season 1 and 2, you will love and feel for characters even more. For all, I hope you will walk away with an assessment of your own life...and as Kyon has to do, realize just how important your decisions are to yourself and to the world around you.

Want The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2010) Discount?

This disc won't play in all Blu-ray players.

It will not play in my Denon BDCI 3800 Blu-ray player I bought 2 years ago. I contacted Denon tech support and after 2 months of research they discovered the problem. This disc which was manufactured in Blu-ray Profile 2.0 only which means it will only play in newer Blu-ray players. Most discs created in Blu-ray Profile 2.0 are backwards compatible with older Blu-ray 1.x Profile players. This disc is not backwards compatible.

The Blu-ray Profile (1, 1.1 or 2) is the actual hardware of the player and no firmware update can change a Blu-ray Profile 1.x player into a Blu-ray Profile 2 player.

Blu-ray Profiles explained:

Blu-ray Profile 1 Has simple menu items like a DVD menu.

Blu-ray Profile 1.1 Has pop-up menus like most Blu-ray discs.

Blu-ray Profile 2 Also known as BD-live with the ability to access content from the internet and 1GB of internal storage.

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