They obviously used the same script as the first, but threw out all the good bits (what there were). This is just a blow by blow repeat: same number of guys, 3, (instead of a doctor they made one of them a nurse), it also involved a road trip, also on a river, also in the woods, also trying to get a fire started, also needed fish for dinner, also about getting/finding money, also involved 2 tree huggers who also happened to be women and yes, there was also a hermit. And hooray, excrement was also involved! That, and 2 guys with guns trying to kill them. Deja vu, what are the odds? (I don't want to suggest plagiarism but if I wrote the script for the first movie and not the second, I'd sue.) This wasn't a sequel, this was a remake, and not a good one at that.
And why the animated squirrels with knives!? Not to mention an animated humming bird with an attitude.
So not funny.
Buy Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2013) Now
I loved the original and was happy they made another, until I watched it. This could have been so good but it is just so bad.Read Best Reviews of Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2013) Here
Absolutely horrible, if you enjoyed the first one DO NOT waste your time on this sequel. Once again, ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLEWant Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2013) Discount?
Without a Paddle is still to this day, one of the best comedies that I have ever seen. This movie however, felt like it went down the American Pie cashcow trail in order to make a bad movie for some quick cash.Everything about this movie was exactly the same as the first movie but with a few minor differences. The general plot was that of two best friends from highschool go into the middle of the woods in order to find the heiress to a multimillion dollar fortune. It was able to hold your interest, that is until after the 30 minute mark where everything basically fizzles while the plot doesnt know what to do withitself. It even manages to get Jerry Rice to tell us about global warming, a highly controversial topic that had absolutely nothing to do with this movie.
The characters were exactly the same as the previous movie. The busy friend whos social akward around women, the laid back drunk that has women and money falling into his lap, the annoying guy no one likes, the hippies in a tree house, the crazy man in the woods, the list really is endless. With the exception of maybe one character, you could not care at all about these people or what happens to them minutes after they are introduced. They have no depth to them at all aside from what the viewer sees in order to interpret what kind of person they are.
There was nothing funny at all about the jokes or comedy that we see. If you think that seeing men looking dumbfounded while looking at breasts or a guy getting hit below the belt around 10 times is funny, than you might actually like these lame and recycled jokes. Even the insane drunken squirrels were not funny or interesting at all and further made the bad jokes even worse.
On a side note, this movie was also highly unrealistic as well. A womans brother was partially involved in her murder attempt and she acts as if he played a prank on her. And last time I checked, a grenade launcher doesnt fire missles in a perfect straight line that explode 5 or 6 times.
This movie was just bad. It was a shameless ripoff of the first movie which was actually good. In fact, the only reason that this movie has the "Without a Paddle" nametag is because the creators of the movie would probably be sued for making a near exact copy of the first only made bad. The plot sucked, the characters sucked, the humor sucked, everything about this movie just sucked.
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