Todd Phillips as director managed to surpass his previous hits as Road Trip, Old School and Starsky and Hutch by merit of providing regular and consistent laughs amidst backdrop of a frenetic and unrelenting morning after.
The problems with most comedies they have to put all their best laughs in the trailer, so by the time the movie comes around the funniest parts lose their impact and the rest of the movie is disappointing in comparison. The Hangover sidesteps this problem masterfully. We know guys will wake up with no memory of what went night before but these moments, although hilarious, aren't all what make the movie so good. The heart of the movie is in the chemistry between the three main actors Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) likable and identifiable enough for an audience to go along with events that could quite easily in another context seem ridiculous.
This success mostly can be credited to casting in unfamiliar faces (when the movie was made) and the actors themselves deserve huge credit. That would mostly consider Cooper who back then was slightly familiar and now is big star.
Movie director has no qualms when he puts his characters through so many problems, there's one shocking revelation after another as the people, animals and events they encountered the night before come back to them during the search for Doug. As the audience knows as little as the characters do, the reactions are completely true, they suspend disbelief as colossally silly events are only matched in magnitude by the sound of laughs in the theatre.
The Hangover never quite lets up, the laughs even continue way into the credits, so it is not wonder that two sequels were made to this successful movie.
Speaking about extras what you get is:
Picture In Picture commentary featuring three main actors and director
Cursing Mash Up funny compilation of all the cursing in the movie
Iron Mike Online Teaser the Champ's rendition of "In The Air Tonight"
More pictures from The Missing Camera 100+ added photos from the camera, pics you would screen out before you share with your friends
Map Of Destruction 15 spots where movie was made on a selectable icon map that takes you to a brief clip regarding making-of info
The Madness Of Ken Jeong brief movie shots of Ken Jeong, not so funny
Action Mash-Up a brief action mix, not so good
Three Best Friends Song looks funny in a movie, not so much in a longer version because they are not singers
The Dan Band! clean version of the Fame song.
Gag Reel funny, couple of minutes long
Good edition with ok extras, but nothing special.
Hangover has brilliant chemistry between actors and its plot make it better than you could possibly be expecting going in. It's funny from start to finish and is guaranteed it would bring smile on your face. Big recommendation for movie but for this Blu-ray edition, as well.
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