Vamp (Midnight Madness) (1986)

VampI purchased this Blue Ray edition hoping it has a better transfer. Not at all. The movie lacks any special features and the transfer is VERY BAD. Even a video cassette would look better as the images are grainy and colors fade. I don't know why movie studios care to release such a BAD product hoping to take advantage of fans who wanted a better looking product. You don't need it, better buy it on DVD and there will be NO difference among both versions.

So if you're not going to invest any time into a release, why even bother? The DVD that was previously released a few years ago actually had a decent amount of special features. This release? Not ONE. NOTHING. They couldn't even put those on this release? The only thing that the BluRay did better is spell Dedee Pfeiffer's name correctly on the front cover.

If you want just the movie, this would be fine for you. If you want a decent release with some really cool special features, try to track down the original DVD release, or if you already have it, don't bother "upgrading"...

Buy Vamp (Midnight Madness) (1986) Now

The disc is absolute bare bones. No special features whatsoever.

If you enjoy this movie and would like to upgrade to blu, then import the Arrow disc from the UK.

Image's Midnight Madness Series has been a horrible experience for me so far. First the botched transfer for Hellraiser 2 and now a disc that's not worth keeping (I'm sending this back!) No more pre-orders from me for Image's discs. They are becoming the new Echo Bridge.

Read Best Reviews of Vamp (Midnight Madness) (1986) Here

Don't let the price fool you

These Midnight Madness Series of BR are such a HUGE let down

I guess Anchor Bay isn't gonna Transfer all that Great Horror Catalog to BR

So ether Image bought the rights or

Image is a sister company of Anchor Bay/Starz

Not sure what ever the case these Transfer are bottom or barrel quality

Uncompressed PCM Mono WTF!!!!!

It's nothing more then a grift for quick cash for die hard Horror fans!

I'll admit they got me good (Sold my Special Edition Dvd's to Replace with the BR's) Now i have to purchase the S.E. Dvd's again

Great thanks IMAGE

1st Hellraiser II was bare (The Transfer wasn't bad even though Anchor Bay would have done much better all of Anchor Bays extras were no where to be found )

The Same with Both Vamp & Dead Heat

All the great extras of VAMP from the Special Edition dvd

have been left back?????

I have No clue why

If you are a huge fan of Vamp and want the Ultimate BR Collection snatch up a Copy of

Arrow's BR Import of Vamp (It's awesome has lots of cool extras. Content made for Arrow's BR Cut)

Avoid this version get the Import (It's Region free)

The Film is Ahead of it's time so good and unique


Image's bargain basement BR should be put deep in a hole with all the Atari 2600 copies of E.T. 4.5/10

Want Vamp (Midnight Madness) (1986) Discount?

Yes, the Blu-Ray picture is better than the DVD version. The movie is still as good it was. Not much credulity is needed until the end.

No, the only extra is one trailer. The DVD has an alternate soundtrack with the director and actors, a short movie, bloopers, trailers, etc.

The improved picture is not enough better.

Save 33% Off


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