Written and directed by Sam Harper (the credits listed above on 11/13/10 are incorrect), "House Broken" tells the story of two brothers who won't grow up. DeVito plays their father, a recently retired fireman, who starts to fear the boys are incapable of living in the real world as they have zero common sense and even fewer life skills. It doesn't help that their mother (Sagal) enables their infantile behavior. DeVito kidnaps his wife and leaves the boys to fend for themselves with no food, income, or worldly knowledge. Mayhem ensues with the boys and their pack of ridiculous (but surprisingly underdeveloped) friends. DeVito's harsh life lesson results in the house being all but destroyed, but it's worth it--you know it always is!--as the boys take very small steps toward maturity. The jokes are obvious and repetitive--I watched this with 2 other friends who LOVE dumb humor and I could count the laughs between the 3 of us on one hand. There are tons of good dumb films on the market--there's a reason you've never heard of this one!
DeVito, as I said, was underutilized. I hope Sagal got a big payday because this talented actress was so stranded that I felt sorry for her. The boys were game, physical, and over-the-top--with better material, either or both would have come out unscathed. I actually like Ryan Hansen ("Veronica Mars" and "Party Down"), he's a good physical comedian but silly pratfalls can't save "House Broken." Again, I like juvenile comedy as much as anyone. I especially love humor that straddles the line of bad taste. This picture just had lots and lots of jokes and tons of sight gags--but, sadly, produced excruciatingly few laughs. KGHarris, 11/10.I'd never seen this movie and started watching it just because I like Danny Devito in most movies I've seen. Well, you'll see very little of Devito in this. He leaves the house with his wife near the movie's beginning to get away from their two raunchy worthless sons, and except for a brief scene here and there you'll not see him again. Instead, the bulk of the movie focuses on the two "young adult" sons. There is absolutley nothing redeeming in this movie if you have half a brain, and what little humor there is falls into the category of crude, raunchy, unintelligent, 10 levels below the Three Stooges. It's an absolute waste of time. Skip it. I'd give it 0 stars if there were such a thing.LUCKILY WE BORROWED THE (MOVIE?) FROM A LIBRARY. MY WIFE AND I TRIED TO WATCH IT WHILE WE KEPT CHANGING THE VOLUME IN ORDER TO NOT HURT OUT EARS. WE KEPT BEING INSULTED BY OBSCENITY AND WHEN THAT LET UP IT WAS ALTERNATED WITH ABSURDITY. WE DO LIKE DANNY BUT IT LOOKS LIKE HE JUST SOLD HIS NAME FOR A QUICK BUCK. WE TURNED IT OFF AFTER 15 MINUTES. DANNY IF YOU READ THIS, GO TO A MEETING!
KENNYDLoved this movie, I love the blond guy in it! If you like him too, hes also in the show "party down" on HBO!Ok This movie is sooo funny. I would buy it for gifts for friends. I really enjoyed all the acting was good & did I say it is a funny movie. The movie was in great condition I highly recommend this movie & seller..
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