At first look, the movie seemed like it would be cheesy and a bit of a drag, but it turned out 1000% better than we had hoped. Sandler's character was genuinely funny, very likable while being a complete screw up. I think this might have been his best role yet. All the supporting actors were great too, and while the story was predictable, it still flowed well. There weren't really any eye-roll moments, and we laughed out loud, which is rare with comedies these days. Even considering purchasing the movie to own :-)

Typical Adam Sandler but thats what you expect, Was a great funny movie. Vanilla Ice was funny he should do more Sandler movies.
Buy That's My Boy (2012) Now
Adam Sandler is back in business! I was not expecting to laugh so much, but this movie is hilarious! Recommended.
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I love this movie. I laughed so hard my eyes got blurry. I will watch this movie several times more.
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Adam Sandler made a comeback to his roots with this one. Donnie Berger is one of the best movie characters of the past 15 years, and will surely hold up as Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore have.
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