While overall the story of the series has been done over many times at the end the characters do endear themselves to you enough that the series in whole is worth looking at. The basic premise of the series is you have one young man a skilled fighter who inherits a somewhat deteriorated dojo where he begins to meet well endowed women after women(Eight total I figure) all extremely attractive and with the exception of one of them all extremely endowed(Again with a lot of harem animes we have to have one who while technically a young adult appears childlike pushing the Lolita factor a little). Though after one of them Jubei Yagyu appears in the sky and shares a kiss with the young man Munekira Yagyu she becomes a powerful warrior causing all the other females to want to share a kiss with the young man since it seems that by doing so empowers them with incredible fighting prowess. The series is supposed to be a mix of edo and present time since the Tokugawa Shogunate remains in power keeping alive the samurai way of life for the most part, that isn't to say there isn't any technological development you'll see a mix of shogunate lifestyle with modern conveniences intermixed into the series. The series animation is something you have to get used to as I haven't seen this kind anywhere really, the character animation is pretty standard a little mix of Naruto and Ikki Toussen the background animation though feels like one of those 3D games you see like with Street Fighter or BlazeBlue not the exact same thing but a little close to it check out a couple of images or trailers to really get an idea of the series animation. The voice cast for the Japanese did superbly in their character roles and surprisingly so did the English cast, at first I wasn't so sure about them as I checked online for their past credentials and couldn't find anything but if you've already bought a few ADV or Funimation released sets then many of these dubbed voice actors will sound familiar to you. The set comes in three disc, the first two hold the entire series the third is the bonus disc which has some very entertaining extras on it. So if you like series like Sekirei, Naruto, Inu Yasha, or Ikki Touseen with a touch of humor and a ton of fan service here's a entertaining series to check out...

I'll be honest, I didn't really read much about this show ahead-of-time. I read the general synopsis and went ahead and bought it because it sounded interesting. Most animes are suggestive and have sexy anime characters, but they're usually clothed. Lots of full-on nudity in this show, so don't buy this for kids.
The plot is pretty good, kind of predictable and silly, but I really enjoyed it. The drawing was decent although the blotching at the beginning was disconcerting, and the characters as a whole have enough personality to make the show enjoyable. The guy who does the voice for the main character is probably my least favorite because he comes off as entirely too dramatic, but the other characters' voices make up for it. If you like a light-hearted, fun anime where one wave of a sword blows people's clothes off this one is worth watching.
Buy Samurai Girls: Complete Collection (2011) Now
There seems to be a dojo master called Muneakira who turns females in samurai masters with powerful elemental powers by kissing them. There is a lot of nudity with large breasts, but no observed sex acts. There are several females characters with their own unique personalities.
Read Best Reviews of Samurai Girls: Complete Collection (2011) Here
I watched the first episode on hulu and decided to buy the series to watch the rest. It seemed interesting at the time and the reviews here weren't half bad, but...in the end I wasn't too much impressed. I liked the animation style which was truly unique and very nice to watch on blu-ray. I even liked all the "eye candy" with the girls, yeah I said it. Parents be ware that these woman WILL be exposed above the waiste quite often, all while implying suggestive acts. Other than those two things I didn't like much. Story was not fully threshed out and rushed in the final couple episodes leaving a lot of unknowns. Really could have used more episodes or used the time in the series more wisely, maybe less boobs and more story? Anyways, if your looking for nice style, animated bossoms, and suggestive poses pic this up, if not...turn away and don't look back.
Want Samurai Girls: Complete Collection (2011) Discount?
Great animation and good characters are the bread and butter of Samurai Girls. The art stands alone as innovative and the characters are pretty cool. There's not much else about this one that keeps ya watching. The story is really thin. They resort to constant nudity to keep it afloat. I enjoy watching chicks get their outfits shredded but that's no substitute for a memorable story. The pros and cons balance each other out and this anime is left being just ok. I don't think I'll sell it, but I probably won't watch it over and over either.
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