I bought the Sarah Michelle Gellar Collection for my daughter. She LOVES it. But then she LOVES anything with Sarah Michelle Gellar in it. The movies are cute and good teenage fare as teenage movies go. I like the nonviolence better, the romantic comedy was sweet. It provided a totally different side of Sarah Michelle Gellar than I've ever seen. I have to admit, beyond Buffy and I Saw What You Did Last Summer I'm not exactly a Gellarphile. If you have a teen who's a fan, this collection will have you on the A list for at least a little while!

I have become a huge fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar's because of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I was curious about other movies and work she has done over the years. I bought the Sarah Michelle Gellar Collection because it contained a drama as well as a comedy and I figured this would give me a pretty good idea of her range as an actress. One of the movies is called "Suburban Girl" which I guess could called a romantic comedy of sorts. The movie is good and a little offbeat which I liked and I loved the character she played in it. Sarah really makes her believable and likable and you find yourself hoping it all works out in the end which of course it does. The other movie is called "The Air that I Breathe" which is a drama. This movie was definitely a little different, it has an excellent cast including Sarah and is well written if strange. It's a series of short tales involving the same characters in different scenarios. One review I saw compared it to "Crash" which seems pretty accurate. While watching it I found myself wondering what the stories had in common, the segment which features Sarah's character is kind of depressing in places but highlights her ability to do dramatic roles. The end of the movie ties everything together very neatly and closes the circle. This is an excellent movie and I think Sarah Michelle Gellar is very underrated as an actress. I highly recommend this movie collection to anyone who is already a Buffy fan.
Buy Sarah Michelle Gellar Collection (Suburban Girl/ The Air I Breathe) (2007) Now
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