Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Remastered Edition (1964)

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Remastered EditionIt's the kookiest Christmas ever when Santa Claus is kidnapped by Martians in this "you have to see it to believe it" Christmas "classic." Maybe you've seen this movie hilariously skewered on Mystery Science Theater 3000, but you have to watch it on its own to truly appreciate it. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is just so bad that I can't help but love it, and that explains why I am giving this deservedly one-star movie four stars. The Martian get-ups are more ridiculous than Marvin the Martian's normal attire, the sets redefine the very definition of cheap, the acting is over-the-top and generally horrible, and Santa is well, he's just a little bit weird, if you ask me. Every time the guy starts in with his distinctive laughing (usually for no apparent reason), I am reminded of the fact that Satan is spelled with the same letters as Santa.

Things aren't going so well on Mars. It's bad enough that the Martians are all colored a ridiculous shade of green, dress like rejected superheroes, and wear ridiculous antenna-spouting helmets on their heads at all times, but now the children of Mars are all acting depressed and withdrawn; all they want to do is sit and watch Earth TV. Kimar (Leonard Hicks), the leader of Mars, seeks the advice of the planet's 800-year old wise man and is told that he must bring Santa Claus to Mars so that the children can actually have fun and be children for a little while. Voldar (Vincent Beck) opposes the plan every step of the way, arguing that Kimar's plan will soon result in a whole planet full of lily-livered, mush-brained nincompoops. Kimar wins out and sets off for Earth in the most pathetic spaceship of all time to catch Santa and bring him back to Mars along with two Earthling children. Well, Santa starts up a new workshop on Mars, hoping he'll be allowed to return home in time for Christmas, but Voldar is as tenacious as he is ridiculous-looking and is determined to kill Santa and stomp out all signs of Christmas spirit on the red planet.

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians features a young Pia Zadora as a little Martian girl, but perhaps the movie's most unforgettable feature is the swinging theme song, Hooray for Santa Claus. If you watch the movie, you'll have this silly song in your head for days. Dropo (Bill McCutcheon) gives a memorable performance as Mars' resident screw-up with a heart of gold, but my thoughts always remain with John Call and his disturbingly weird portrayal of Santa Claus. I can pretty much guarantee that this movie will make you laugh with its unashamed ineptness, and bad movie lovers are ineligible for their very first merit badge until they have watched Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and lived to tell about it.

This DVD from Intermedia (Woodhaven), is the best version on DVD. The print quality used is much better that that used on other DVD's.

Buy Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Remastered Edition (1964) Now

Yeah, "It's a Wonderful Life" is a pretty good movie. However, the movie I joyfully watch every Christmas is about martians who, lacking a Santa Claus to bring joy to martian kids, kidnap Santa from Earth, along with two children. "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is almost sublime in its badness, and with painted-green martials in skintight suits, a Santa with a lewd chuckle instead of a "Ho Ho Ho," incredible wooden acting by the cast (one of whom is Pia Zadora), unspeakable special effects, and a horrible theme song, it is a masterpiece of the so-bad-it's-good school of film. Just TRY getting the theme song out of your head.

The DVD from Laserlight looks exactly as one would expect it awful. The supersaturated colour scheme has not aged well, and looks very grainy. There are many scratches, but that only adds to the film's strange charm. Unfortunately, the first fifteen seconds or so of the film's opening credits are not on this DVD, depriving loyal fans of seeing EVERY BIT of "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians." Unsurprisingly, there are no extras, although the menus are pretty good.

Read Best Reviews of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Remastered Edition (1964) Here

You've got to be in a silly or giddy mood to truly appreciate this '60's classic. From suspense formulation to character development, SCCM tosses convention aside and disobeys all film making rules. In fact, it is so poorly done, it is downright enjoyable! Enjoy it with your friends for a good laugh. Be enchanted with lovely Pia Zadora's film debut (I think) as the cute little Martian girl. Be inspired as Carl Don's character, the 800+ year old Martian wiseman, proclaims, "We Need A Santa Claus on Mars!" Get downright geocentric as the Earth's Christmas Holiday spirit prevails over the Red Planet's system of overbearing logic and Grinch-esque gloom.

Most importantly, jam to the film's wonderful jingle, "Hooray For Santa Claus", which I truly think is the best thing to come out of this movie. I believe this theme song is the most underrated Christmas carol of all time.

Want Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Remastered Edition (1964) Discount?

You can get it for a dollar at Target. And, for only a dollar, it is the best value-to-price ratio ever. You and your friends will spend hours laughing at the silly quirks this movie is made up of. Voldar, Droppo, the whole gang are going to entertain your socks off.

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