Tommy Boy / Black Sheep (Two-Pack)

Tommy Boy / Black SheepTommy Boy and Black Sheep were two of the best movies of Chris Farley, and now they are sold together for a great price! One side of the DVD is Tommy Boy and the other is Black Sheep, so you have to be careful to not touch the DVD. It has many deleted scenes and outtakes that are hilarious. Good for the Chris Farley fan or anyone who liked either one of these movies.

If you like Chris Farley and his physical brand of humor, these two are for you. We have falling down mountains, getting stuck in airplane doors, getting stuck in trunks lids, being crushed by refrigerators and slamming fingers in a car hood. . . how much better does it get than that! And that's just a few of the "gags". I'm a fairly educated guy and I certainly like cerebral humor but you just cannot watch Farley when he is "on" and not laugh.

When you think your life is going all wrong, just plug in this DVD and things will get better!

Buy Tommy Boy / Black Sheep (Two-Pack) Now

RIP Chris Farley. You were one of the funniest actors around. Tommy Boy was a great movie and it always makes me laugh.

Read Best Reviews of Tommy Boy / Black Sheep (Two-Pack) Here

I know there are better duo's but to me David Spade and Chris Farley are my favorite next to Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. Tommy boy is such a classic of a movie. It has a great feel through the whole movie and it WILL keep you laughing. Black Sheep is a bit wackier then Tommy Boy and lacks that good feeling, however, the guys still deliver and its hilarious. I was hoping for remastered but it seems both of these were just up-scales of the original. But if you enjoy these movies you should get them on blu ray its always nice to watch something you enjoy in a better quality i suppose. It has great special features for Tommy Boy. WORTH THE PURCHASE if that's what you wanted to know.

Want Tommy Boy / Black Sheep (Two-Pack) Discount?

Two of the funniest movies Chris Farley ever made, on one DVD, at a great price. Why read the reviews? Buy this DVD!! Did I eat paint chips as a kid? Hahaha.......why?


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