Scary Movie 2 (2011)

Scary Movie 2Hi, I'm from the UK and I'm not sure what US critics think of Scary Movie 2, but the UK critics hate it. I don't though, I thought it was better than the first movie ( which is my favourite comedy ) and it's a brilliant movie.

The first scene featuring their re-make of the Exorcist had me laughing so hard as well as everyone else in the cinema. The undertaker is also a funny character with his disfigured arm which adds many scenes of laughter.

Sure, the plot is kinda weird but it's very funny and mocks those films we love including "Hannibal, Charlie's Angels, House on Haunted Hill and Mission Impossible 2". The scene where Cindy and her new love interest are trapped in a walk-in freezer (Hollow Man) mocks that tear-jerking scene in Titanic (where Leo and Kate are freezing in the water) and made me laugh very hard.

So, anyway, go and see it and I'm sure you'll love it. I will definitely buy the DVD of it.

I usually wouldn't spend time writing a bad review of a movie, but this movie was so disappointing that I felt compelled to warn everyone I know not to see this movie. My husband and I went to see it, as we both LOVED Scary Movie, but we left in utter disgust and disappointment. We had no clue what the point of the movie was. Sure, there were some funny parts, maybe a handful of them, but mostly it was repulsive humor. I know a lot of people will like it, but I think it's an insult to people's intelligence to put garbage like that on the screen and expect people to laugh and enjoy it. I'm no prude I enjoy Scary Movie and I LOVE the American Pie movies, but Scary Movie 2 is pointless, poorly made, and just plain stupid. The movies they parodied weren't even popular movies, which defeats the purpose of spoofing scary movies. After seeing the movie, we saw the list of movies that were supposedly parodied, and we couldn't even point out where in the movie they were spoofed for example Castaway? Anyway, from the first five minutes of the movie the Excorcist scene I knew this movie would suck. We feel it was a complete waste of our time to see this movie. I warned coworkers and friends not to see it, yet some saw it anyway, and they returned in agreement that it was a horrible movie and wished they had heeded our warnings. Maybe, at 26, I'm just too old for this. The teenagers in the theatre seemed to enjoy it, so I guess if you are a teen who liked the first one, you may like it because of all of the sexual and gross-out humor. But, if you enjoyed the first one mostly because of the parodies of other movies, you will be completely let down by this movie.

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The slogan for the first movie said "No shame. No mercy. No Sequel". I wish they would've kept their promise.

First off, if you're thinking of seeing this movie, you should A.) Wait For The Video or B.) Just go out and rent the first one, because the first Scary Movie beats all.

The movie starts out with a parody on the Exorcist, which is funny, and really gets your hopes up for the rest of the movie... unfortunately after the tattoo spoof of "Dude, Wheres My Car?" it all goes downhill. They use alot of the same jokes from the original movie (You'll recognize it right away if you saw the first one)... and they said they were gonna avoid the same joke twice... yeah... ok...

The only highlights of this movie is Marlon Waynes as Shorty and a cameo from Howard Stern wack pack member Beetlejuice (Good cameo, even though it's for a few seconds). There are a few scenes that'll get a smile out of you, but not get you to laugh hysterically like the first one... dont get me wrong, i wasnt expecting to see the same thing as the first, but I wasn't expecting to see a bad movie either. I knew it would be different... but not terrible.

After seeing such a horrible sequel (Sequels always tend to be inferior to the original), I know why "Cats And Dogs" was number one at the box office on July 4th...

Read Best Reviews of Scary Movie 2 (2011) Here

When I read the reviews of "Scary Movie 2" I wonder..... DID THESE PEOPLE SEE THE SAME MOVIE I DID????? This movie was so not funny. The jokes all had to do with bodily functions, sex, and very tasteless other things. I guess that in order to make a few teens laugh, the only thing you have to do in a movie is make vomit, farts, and bowel movements the center of your story. I did not laugh for most of this movie. I will admit that there were some funny parts, but not very many. I was a very big fan of the first Scary Movie and had high hopes that this one could be as fresh and funny as the original. Apparently the best that the Wayans brothers could do was to use some of the same sight jokes as before (yes I will spoil it and say that Cindy does get splashed to a wall again with the "fluids of love") Unfortunately this was already used in the first Scary Movie and was not necessary for the next one. Is this to be a Scary Movie trademark such as Arnold's "I'll be back" line was for most of his movies? Let's hope that Dimension Films will realize that the Wayans brothers have pumped their wells dry and have no more funny things to say. Let's put the money into more creative and original funny movies. Not ... like this.

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Scary Movie 2 is an inert, unfunny movie about a group of kids who go to a haunded house as part of a college class and end up being scarier than the ghosts and monsters they come to discover.

Scary Movie 2's target audience is unintellegent, immature teenagers. This is the reason it will do so well. This is unfortunate, but a fact of life.

The only part of this movie that was even remotely funny at all is the preacher's solo on the piano at the start of the film. It is all down hill from there. This movie paridoies every scary movie it can find and it does it badly. A group of mentally retarded 4 year olds with A.D.D. could have written a better movie. And it is unfortunate to see Marlon Wayans in this movie after staring in Requiem for a Dream.

It is as if the creators of this film were saying, "here's a stupid movie for stupid people," and the whole of the United States population asked what time it's playing. I understand the movie was supposed to be a dumb movie,(after all "serious comedy" is an oxymoron) but it is not even funny. It's just dumb. I could feel my IQ level dropping as the movie trudged on. If I could have, I would have walked out on this movie, but it was my friends day to drive.

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