Taxi (2004)

TaxiJimmy Fallon is a cop who is such a bad driver he loses his license. Queen Latifah is a cab driver with a souped up Taxi who is a great driver. When Fallon comandeers Latifah's cab to stop a bank robbery, vehicular mayhem and fun break out! Add to the mix the fact the bank robbers are Brazillian Super Models and you have a surreal good time for all!

Ignore the critics who have cut this movie to shreds. Its pure escapist fun that rates four stars. Enjoy!

I must confess, this is the first of Queen Latifah's movies I've watched. I dunno why, but I was convinced I didn't care for her as an actor. I was wrong.

Latifah plays Belle, an adrenalin addicted cab driver who's anxious to begin her career as a NYC cabbie in her souped up Ford Crown Victoria, yet despite her female macho outer shell, she's really a romantic softie at heart. Her character, despite being larger then life (come on... how many overweight black females actually ride as a bike courier in NYC?) is also not the typical paper-thin, one dimensional empty shell that so many comedy roles are. And her role perfectly complements the male lead.

Jimmy Fallon plays police detective Washburn, and he does such a fantastic job of playing a pathetic little dweeb of a cop that more then once I wanted Latifah to pound his skinny little a@@. The comedy kicks in when Washburn, who drives worse then a 90 year old grandma, looses his license and gets a demotion. He manages to hook up with Belle and her crown vic, and together the two unwilling partners must team up to stop a band of bank robbers.

Okay, so there's nothing deep or profound about the movie, but, Latifah and Fallon are talented comedians and together they make for a lot of laughs and a fun ninety minutes.


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This movie is a good rental, but I wouldn't buy it, I like Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon so I thought the cast was pretty good. There were some pretty funny parts, One part I was crying because I was laughing so hard. Like I said it is a good rental movie if your looking for something stupid-funny too watch.

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This was a one of those movies that seems to go off track here and there. Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah fans will see the best and the worst of both stars. What you won't see is any consistency in this film.

Taxi is a movie that seems to change directors from day-to-day filming; there are scenes that have all the excitement and star quality of a "Lethal Weapon", and there are scenes that have all the drabness of a daytime soap opera.

Jimmy Fallon plays a cop who is not a very good driver and has an ex-girlfriend (so he says) for a boss. Their banter is not the least bit entertaining, even though I believe it is supposed to be.

Queen Latifah plays a bike courieor who finally gets her cabbie license. QL is an excellent actress, and at times I almost felt like she was doing everything in her power to carry this film. I think she is so appealing to the masses because she seems like such a "down-to-earth" person. She has a real charm on the screen.

Fallon's character has some truly funny moments: The huge pile-up of cars when he tries do commandeer a citizen's vehicle and his alcoholic mother are amusing, but these good spots are rare.

The whole movie seemed to need a rewrite. I didn't hate this movie, but I definitely didn't think it was all it could have been. Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon are so talented that it takes an amazing script to utilize their talents. I would advise them both to be more picky with their scripts.

So all and all...If there is nothing else to buy or rent, try this movie. I wouldn't make it my first choice.

See ya next review.

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I wasn't sure about Taxi. I hate to admit I have been very disappointed at most of the comedy genre this summer. Taxi however was a refreshing change a new take on the buddy genre with Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon I was quickly involved in the laughs. The two of them play so well off of each other and the jokes were just silly enough to keep me laughing out loud. It was refreshing and Ann Margaret is hilarious as Jimmy's drunk mother.

So this is well worth a check out whether at the matinee or once it hits the cheaper seats. It was a very funny ride.

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