Something Borrowed (Movie-Only Edition) (2011)

Something BorrowedI rarely write movie reviews, so the fact that I am for this film already tells you something. I know the ratings for this have been all over the place, so I wanted to put in my two cents, which are that given what it was, I loved it!

Now none of you know me, so you dont realize how momentous that statement is, coming from me of all people. While yes, I am female, I hate *utterly loathe* American romantic comedies. I absolutely cannot stand them and the only 100% exceptions are Bringing Up Baby from 1938 and When Harry Met Sally ... from 1989. So yes, it's been awhile since I found one that broke the rule.

I wanted to see this movie, both because of the actors (love Goodwin and Krasinski) and because it's a story (we hope) where the shy, quiet girl gets the guy. However, I went prepared to dislike it for two reasons. First, I was *very* apprehensive about the premise involving possible cheating, since I have trouble even reading about it in books or watching films like Closer. Second, it's a romantic comedy! How could I possibly end up liking it?!

Turns out, I was dead wrong. SOMETHING BORROWED was hysterical the writing was great and the delivery wonderful. The cast was also superb: John Krasinski, whom I adore in The Office, was hands-down unbelievably fantastic in his role; Ginnifer Goodwin, a lovely and talented actress, plays her part to perfection; and Colin Egglesfield, a quiet and subtle actor, makes for a great Dex. Darcy (Kate Hudson's character) is ridiculously over the top, but whatever I was able to overlook it in the face of all that was right with this movie.

Also, this movie was able to do what those in this genre usually cannot do: it was able to be somewhat realistic, while still giving us a wonderful happy ending no sappiness or corniness involved (two of my main objections to romance movies). The main characters trip up repeatedly and sometimes you want to slap some of them upside the head (... was that just me?), but it feels very authentic! And re: the love triangle, I think one of the things that made it feel all the more authentic was the very real dilemma that Rachel, Dex, and Darcy are faced with.

I loved this film, because for *once* a romantic comedy did for me what it always seems to do for others: it made me laugh out loud and it made me cheer for the two main characters and hope that they would end up together. I definitely, definitely recommend it.

I loved the movie and saw it twice in the first weekend. Ginnfer and Colin did a great job. Colin reminds me of a young Tom Cruise but better. He seems soulful, manages to play the character with integrity and gives great glances! A must see.

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This was one of the worst rom coms I've ever seen. Kate Hudson's character was so one dimensional it made you wonder why they were best friends to be begin with. The whole concept of being in love with your best friend's fiancé and then having an affair with him doesn't seems at all romantic to me. The lead male's character was so weak. He really liked the female lead, but then dated the best friend for six years (or whatever the time frame was) huh? Who would want to be with someone like that? I wish she would have ended up with John K. from The Office. At least he had a personality. It was utterly ridiculous and totally not relatable to me, but from the other reviews several seemed to love it.

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This movie had potential to make a cute love story. However, instead of doing so, it took a very different approach. The worthwhile match was left to the wayside to make room for a relationship that has no conceivable way of surviving, since it is based on lies, adultery and disloyalty. The two main characters are selfish adultresses, yet the movie seems to find one more innocent than the other. It seems that the attempt is to cause the viewer to approve of the one because she is normally a "good person," but the outcome leaves the viewer in complete disgust of her selfishness and disloyalty to her childhood friend. In the end she is proud of her adultery and destruction of a life-long relationship, because she was able to get what she had wanted for so long. How can one's morals and sense of decency be so degraded that one can appreciate this character and her accomplishment?

There was one character in the movie who was incredibly likable, kind and a perfect match for the lead character. However, the development of his character is a complete waste, since he just gets his heart broken and is left by the wayside, so that the lead character may reek havoc on the other relationships in her life.

I watch pretty much every chick flick that comes out, and I have seen a number of cheesy and poorly developed ones, but this one simply disgusted me.

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At first, I didn't want to see this movie, the trailer was uninteresting and not very funny. Then finally I decided to go see it and not judge it, John Krasinski from the Office is in it. So, I got myself a cheap ticket and watched it in the theater. I actually laughed and thought it was pretty good, not the greatest movie ever but it's worth watching a few times. I think this is a good rental, it has a few good laughs.

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