Schoolgirl Hitchhikers (1973)

Schoolgirl HitchhikersRedemption Films should be lauded in bringing the films of French Director Jean Rollin to American audiences and now with his passing last year ,his catalog of films can be viewed and appreciated by lovers of Euro and erotic cinema. During his Vampire film years , he made a number of sexy, erotic films under the pseudonym of Michel Gentil and took his pairing of female heroines into different sexy encounters. This film 'SCHOOLGIRL HITCHHIKERS' was the first and stars the beautiful Joelle Couer who would also star in three other films of his and then disappeared from the screen in the late seventies. The film resembles a fairy tale with a 'Goldilocks and the three Bears' feel and then becomes a lethal jewel heist caper eventually succumbing to cartoon like shootouts and chases intermixed with soft core sexual encounters by each character. Rollin himself appears at the end of the film in a crucial plot enhancer. Its amazing how Rollin was able to find these beautiful abandoned chateaus for his films and in this one , he really utilizes them as characters unto themselves with gorgeous lighting and photography. If you are a Rollin fan, you will recognize many of the actors as they appear and this film holds up much better than the other sexy Euro films which came out in the late sixties/early seventies. Rollin would go on to direct the enjoyable 'BACCHANALES SEXUELLES' , but this one is a great introduction to these types of romps. Redemption releases it here under the Jezebel/Salvation logo and its a nice full screen print but suffers from jerky movements during the transfer when there is excessive camera movement. There is a repeat Rollin interview which is included on the 'LIVING DEAD GIRL' DVD and has a nice still gallery of the actresses during the filming. It's a hell of a lotta fun and should be in every Rollin collection.

Schoolgirl hitchhikers is a good sexploitation film with plenty of nudity.No,it is not a great film if your looking for a cinema masterpiece or something other then an sexploitation film,there are enough plot holes to make swiss cheese.The film is about 2 girls hitchhiking who find what they think is an abandon house.The girls are lesbian lovers who are bissexual.They make love in the house and when the jewel thief who inhabits the house comes back one of the girls makes love with him.In the morning the girls leave and the jewel thief finds the jewels missing.He tracks them down to their tent and kidnaps them which leads to a little S&m session to get the one hitchhiker to talk,the other escapes and goes to a private detective for some reason instead of the cops.They come back to the house,are captured which leads to more sex and another escape.If you like looking at nude,good looking women and a fairly nonsensical plot that moves along briskly,I recommend this movie.Its a fun sexploitation picture .

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This is NOT a REVIEW of the film "Schoolgirl Hitchhikers" the content of which has been ably covered by other reviewers I am mostly writing to WARN other potential purchasers of this fine little piece of '70's Euro sexploitation that the quality of the DVD released by 'Desert Island Classics' is VERY POOR!

This is the third product I have purchased that came from Desert Island Classics and the film transfer quality on all of them is bad! They all appear to be hastily produced DVDR products dubbed from low quality old VHS tape sources. The picture is grainy and degraded, often w/ tracking lines showing up periodically. IF this was the only version of the film available these Desert Island debacles might be considered marginally acceptable but (particularly in the case of 'Schoolgirl Hitch-hikers') they just don't cut it and should be avoided. Not only is the transfer quality pathetic, but the play time for the DIC version is only 67 min. while other releases of the same film clock in at closer to 74 min. alluding to some substantial cuts!

I have been very disappointed in the 'quality' of the presentation of all the product I've received from this DVD authoring outfit and really cannot recommend them.

Read Best Reviews of Schoolgirl Hitchhikers (1973) Here

Here's another one of those delicious sexy comedies from the seventies that has been restored to Blu-ray quality, to the satisfaction of us lusty males (and females) who have fond memories of these films. Directed by Jean Rollin (1938-2010), under the name Michel Gentil, one of the masters of the erotic genre, as well as horror movies, "Schoolgirl Hitchhikers" is another delightful entry of classic erotic films that I'm glad came back, as best as ever.

Monica (Joƫlle Coeur) and Jackie (Monica Stark, aka Gilda Arancio) are two free-spirited, young and attractive ladies that "decided to spend the holidays in the great outdoors." While walking through the countryside, they discover an apparently abandoned mansion, and decide to stay the night there. Bad move. As it turns out, the big house is serving as a hideout for a "small-time hood," who "adopts" both ladies. The lucky thief has his fun with Monica and Jackie, who, by the way, are also lovers. Unfortunately, when the owner of the stolen property shows up to the mansion to collect his stuff from the thief, they can't find it, so the gangster blames the girls for the mysterious disappearance of the goods. Enter a private detective and his beautiful assistant, and add more suspense and sexuality to the story.

"Schoolgirl Hitchhikers" is fun to watch, as the characters are silly and having a good time. Of course, this being a French erotic comedy, there's plenty of nudity and soft-core sex. Another jewel of the seventies. (France, 1973, color, 79 min)

Reviewed on May 23, 2013 by Eric Gonzalez for Kino Lorber Jezebel Blu-ray

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This was an okay movie, but better suited as a rental. For me, It was kinda comical in the way it was presented, Everybody kept getting the drop on everybody else. The Director, got the sex out of the way, such as it was, early on and got down to the main focus of the plot. Essentially, two girls picking the wrong place to hangout. When the robbers show up, things get a bit dicey. As I said, it was kind of comical in a way. Although dated, it was enjoyable, but only a one timer in my opinion.

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