I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (Unrated & Unapologetic) (2009)

I Hope They Serve Beer in HellIf I had to choose between watching this movie again and getting kicked in the nuts I'd take a swift shot to my nads. The pain wouldn't last as long as this crappy movie did.

The book was great. This movie is an hour and a half of crap. It's basically a chick flick with a couple lines from the book thrown into the dialog. Over half of the movie is his friends telling him to grow up and him trying to change to become a better person so his friends will talk to him again. It's just one long disappointing chick flick that didn't contain a single funny moment. The plot and story line suck, the acting sucks, and the camera work sucks. This movie didn't have one redeemable quality.

I can't figure out how they could take such a great and hilarious book and make a heaping pile of crap that's suppose to be based on it. If someone knows please tell me. And I'd love to hear from tucker about this, I have now doubt that both he and his publicist read all these reviews. And here's a little piece of info for tucker, the movie didn't do poorly because of poor advertisement. It bombed because it SUCKED!!! Just like the new book.

If you are at the time in your life where you don't want to give up the bathroom humor, but you like to drink in excess and have sex with strangers, then this film is for you. Tucker was hoping to make some sequels to this film, thanks to this film bombimg, they will never get made.

Buy I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (Unrated & Unapologetic) (2009) Now

I read the book and thought it was funny. I'm not a Tucker Max fanboy or hater, but this movie was painful to sit through. It even made the book lose some of the humor in it because it felt so fake. If your a fan of the straight to DVD American Pie films then you may find a few laughs in this, otherwise save your time and money. The characters in this aren't interesting, the acting is bad, the plot is unoriginal and meaningless, and there just aren't many laughs. Every once in a while it will make you smirk but by the end of the movie you will have forgotten why. This is one film to avoid...

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I reasonably enjoyed the book, up until the end when it started getting a little tedious. Most of the stories were pretty outrageous, if somewhat repetitive.

This movie, however, has almost nothing in common with the book. It's loosely based on one story in the whole collection. A better platform might have been a series of shorts or something, but trying to tie it all in with the crappiest, lamest story arc I have ever seen was a pretty horrible move. The casting was awful, especially in the part of Drew, the smart-ass, gynophobic, comic-book inclined friend of Tucker. The movie did nothing to capture the essence of the book, which was essentially a huge recollection of drunken rampages. The production values are non-existent. The actors exude no charisma. The characters in the book were somewhat conflicted and always interesting, except for Tucker. The characters in the movie are one-dimensional cardboard cutouts.

I watched this out of sheer horror, like watching an asteroid smash into a playground, or watching a semi-truck carrying litters of puppies burst into flame on the interstate. The whole time I was asking myself: how bad can a movie truly get? I can definitely see why this went straight to DVD.

The saddest part of this sordid affair is Tucker Max himself defending this movie, saying that it has the potential to become a cult classic. If by cult classic he means misunderstood during it's time, or so bad it's great, it's not quite at that level. Expect this at the bargain bin at K-Mart sometime in the near future.

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I received the book as a Christmas gift and couldn't put it down. It has to be one of the funniest (albeit crude) books that I have ever read. Now, normally when you watch a movie based on a book, you expect it to deviate a little bit from the stories or storyline, but in the case of "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" that it is a gross understatement. I spent the entire 104 useless minutes of the movie wondering when they would show something even close to anything contained in the book. In fact, there is only one scene in the movie that is taken from the book it's actually the funniest part of the movie. Overall, don't waste your money buying, renting or even borrowing the movie from a friend. Just read the book and end it there.

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