Do NOT buy the Passport Video has horrible sound and the picture lighting throbs between dark and bright through the entire film. Passport Video also included a watermark of their logo in the bottom right hand corner of the screen that lasts throughout the film. In addition to all of this, what is advertised on the package as "Show 2: THE ED WOOD STORY" is in fact 40 mins. of cobbled together interviews with Vampira, Johnny Depp, Ed Wood's wife, and one of Tor Johnson's neighbors. Sounds okay, but they are actually mind-bogglingly uninsightful and focus mostly upon Tim Burton's Ed Wood film.
The edition of this DVD that you will want to buy is the Image Entertainment version that includes the 111 min. documentary "Flying Saucers Over Hollywood" (which is a wonderful addition). This DVD has great sound and picture quality, vastly superior to Passport Video's piddly excuse for a quality DVD.
I know that it may seem counter productive to buy a more expensive release of the worst movie of all time, but you will appreciate the horrible experience of grave robbers from outerspace much more (and Image Entertaiment's documentary is great too).
Buy Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) Now
Plan 9 From Outer Space is often called the worst movie ever made, but its entertainment value elevates it above many other films, even some of better quality. The plot moves along nicely and has little to no padding in it and the dialog and special effects are hilarious even if that was not the intent of the director, Ed Wood. Everyone who loves cinema should see this movie! The wobbly flying saucers on single strings, Swedish wrestler turned actor Tor Johnson, Bela Lugosi in his last role, Vampira and more make this an unforgettable film. It's so bad it's great. Sadly, the great Bela Lugosi died during filming, so look for Bela Lugosi's replacement in some scenes. He's not hard to spot as he is taller and looks nothing like Mr. Lugosi, hence he holds a cape in front of his face in every scene in which he appears!The original black and white (b&w) version of the film is nicely restored on this DVD and the colorized version is of good quality and interesting as well. The colorization looks better on this disc than most and appears both rich and fairly natural. Mike Nelson, former head writer and host of the HILARIOUS Mystery Science Theater 3000 (aka MST3K, also available on DVD) provides a humorous commentary track that can be heard on either the original b&w or the color version of the film. Other extras include Mike Nelson's amusing "lost alien plans 1 through 8," some brief home movies of the famous cross-dressing director, Ed Wood, commercials produced by Ed Wood, faux comedic deleted scenes, and a color version of the movie trailer.
Fans of Plan 9 will appreciate the nicely restored picture and sound and the Mike Nelson commentary is highly amusing as expected. This DVD is a movie buff's dream. Don't miss it.
Read Best Reviews of Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) Here
As another reviewer mentioned, Passport Video has their logo "PIP" in the lower right hand corner throughout this DVD.Hold up your hand if this sounds like a good idea.
Also, if you go to the menu and click on PLAY MOVIE (as you're likely to do) you'll not get to the movie, you'll get the INTERVIEWS. That's right Passport Video is a bunch if screwups!
To watch Plan 9 you have to go to CHAPTERS.
Avoid this disc.I'm constantly mystified that people call this the worst movie ever made. True, the dialogue, special effects, acting, etc, clearly aren't on par with the big budget sci-fi movies Hollywood was cranking out at the time. However, if a movie is as entertaining as this one -even if it's not in the way its creators intendedit can't be that bad. I've watched this movie countless times and I never fail to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Nowadays, no one could intentionally create a comedy to be as entertaining in the way "Plan 9" is. It's a great party film if you have quick witted friends. If you really want a BAD film, watch "Wild Wild West." "Plan 9" may have UFO's made out of pie pans; but at least it doesn't have a stupid 80ft spider. There's a difference between entertainingly bad and just plain bad. "Plan 9" is the former. I think Ed Wood -the original "Bowfinger" would be surprised to know that his "masterpiece" turned out to be exactly that. A masterpiece. Well, maybe not in the vein he intended! Buy this movie!
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