Leap Year / Love Happens Double Feature (2009)

Leap Year / Love Happens Double FeatureI have yet to see love happens but Leap Year is one of my favourites since before.

The thing about it is that I dont really think it needs motivation why it is good, it just is.

Maybe not the best movie though if your looking for a fulfilling love/life story with alot of filosofical goodies.

Mostly because the part of the beginning feels alitle bit unnatural and doesnt float so well. But after the first part. It do does just that.

Floats just like a boat I mean. Takes you on a fun but still also alitle bit "fulfilling" trip so to speak. The chemistry seems genuin between the actors and it has both karisma and an ok story.

I hope you watch it, because if you don't. You would miss out I promise.

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