One problem is it tries to spoof WAY too many movies, it should have stuck with the whole dance spoof theme. The concept of spoofing the never ending saga of recent dance movies like Step Up & Stomp The Yard is actually brilliant idea, and could have been a very good parody movie because there's so much u can make fun of with those.
I am a person who appreciates a good parody movie but the problem here is Dance Flick relies too much on the nasty/gross jokes and the lead actress could not act that well. She tried hard to impersonate the leading chick from Save The Last Dance but came off unnatural. The best part of this movie is Essence Atkins as Charity, trust me, she's the reason this is even getting 3 stars from me. She was hilarious in this. Because of her, and a few other parts ("they call me Edward Triggerhands fam!!!"), it's worth checking out, but it would've been much better if it stuck to the dance parodies theme all throughout and if Shoshanna Bush's acting had been stronger.Background:
The Wayan brothers are well known for their comedy/spoof genre movies. Between 2001 and 2006 they produced the Scary Movie Series (4 movies). With all the recent successful dance based movies such as: Save the Last Dance, Step Up, Stomp the Yard and You Got Served, the Wayans decided to produce Dance Flick as a spoof of all these movies.
While the idea was certainly original, this film was not well executed. Firstly, it is just too short, only 83 minutes. Next the storyline did not gel properly, it seemed like they were trying to force too much into too small a space, the result being that the actors were left on a lurch trying to make everything appear to be funny.
The biggest let down of this movie is the excessive dependence on the gross jokes. They relied way too much on these, in this movie they really pushed the bar too much on the gross jokes. This was the really killer for this film.
The Spoof:
A poor guy, Thomas Uncles (Damon Wayans Jr.) teams up with Megan White (Shoshana Bush) and train together with the object being to win a dance competition.
Breakdance routines are uniquely embellished with CG to make the impossible happen. There are some hilarious moments that will crack you up. But there are other parts, that are meant to be funny, but may only serve to gross you out.
This film had a tremendous potential, however, the lack of a well developed storyline and the overly gross jokes, limited its true potential.I was primed to give this a much lower rating as it was not that funny, but then I watched all of the special features and bumped it up a couple stars. The parody film run still appears to be trudging ahead with three more spoof films this quarter alone; This one has what appears to be the majority of the Wayans family involved (I counted 15 total on cast and crew). I laughed more at the little background stuff people will skip over (tap water labeling, the Cheney tanker, the school posters) as the sight gags did nothing for me. The writing got a few good jokes in there but I suppose growing up in the Airplane era of spoofs has me jaded as to what is funny in farce films.
The Blu quality is excellent, even in the night/action/dance scenes. The DTS is used extensively and obviously by a soundtrack listing your sub gets a significant test. They apparently had the budget to make this sound and look good so you get your money's worth from that avenue. The special features include:
* Making of: 21 minutes of background story, creative process, filming and the usual stuff; lots of Wayans being interviewed.
* Deleted Scenes: 8:15 minutes of rightfully cut material except for the alternate ending. The whole white vs. black suburban dance off was way better than what was in the film, give it a viewing, good music also.
* Dancing Outtakes: 2:26 clip of the Apple Bottom Jeans song dance off not in the film some of the best dancing I have seen on film with the exception of Rize. I was really impressed with the athleticism being shown, better than anything in the film; disappointing that the dancers will not get much credit except for a Wayans brother film outtake. It is edited to the length of the song.
The Unrated is 5:13 minutes longer than the PG13, and honestly, I could not watch the rated version as two viewings of this would be painful sober. One for the film, two for the BD quality and supplements. Enjoy.I can keep this review simply by saying this movie was very bad! Low brow and not in a good way. Watching this one can easily understand why the scary movie franchise only became funny when the Wayans brothers left and the Zuckers took over!This movie was great, it made fun of all the best dance movies that i love including 1 in particular that i didn't really think of as a "dance flick"... TWILIGHT when he tells her she needs to see him in the light and then turns around OMG i almost fell off the couch to funny.. and I'm an avid twifan so ya. The wayans brothers are fantastic in every movie they make or act in together.. One more favorite seen. When Shawn Wayans comes to see his babies mamma, she asks what he wants he says he is here to pick up his son so he goes over picks him up for a second tells him "daddy loves you" sits him back down and tells Essence Atkins (charity) that he will be back next weekend to pick him up again then leaves. Charity shuts the door and says "he's such a good father"... LOL what a great movie LOVE IT
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