I can best describe "Bad Boy Bubby" as what would happen if Forrest Gump were directed by Marilyn Manson (or the other Manson). As described above, Bubby (think Billy Bob Thornton of Sling Blade mated with Hugo Weaving) is a developmentally challenged male who has been kept inside a small rundown tenement by his mother his entire life. Verbally and physically abused, she puts the fear of corporal punishment and God in him so he stays quite and docile. At night, she has sexual relations with him. Told that the outside world is filled with poison gas, she dons a gas mask before leaving and tells him to be still until she returns lest she beats him brainless. We see him mimic the actions and verbal abuse of his mother on a stray cat he finds. He later clingwraps and unknowingly suffocates the animal because his mom told him cats don't breathe as an excuse for why the cat came from outside and didn't die from the supposed poisonous air. Unexpectedly, his father returns after 35 years and proceeds to have sexual relations with Bubby's mom. Already having developed a fascination with large breasts, it is reinforced by the Pop's lecherous behavior and fondness for his wife's "great big whoppers".
After Pop walks in on Bubby fondling his mom's breasts, Pop goes into a rage and kicks Bubby out. From here, he is forced into the real world and embarks on one twisted encounter after another. Some of it is painful to watch because they do tend to be slow and aimless, like Bubby's life. If this is a comedy, I didn't laugh at his misfortunes at interacting with the world, not out of any sense of 21st Century political sensitivity, but mainly because they weren't funny. I did laugh at one scene of Bubby when he gets put in jail and sodomized by "the Animal". This is maybe the only movie you'll see sodomy set to the music of bagpipes. Bobby takes it in stride, so to speak, as he accepts the abuse that is such a routine in his life. An expression of serenity crosses his face. The rest of the story has Bubby having more weird experiences, but eventually, he finds his place in the world. He discovers his humanity, and even discovers love. I found the story arc a bit unbelievable, especially towards the end, but I won't spoil the surprise.
All in all, I can't say that this was a thoroughly pleasurable experience. It really felt like an exercise in avant-garde filmmaking or an assignment from a film class. There are several scenes of nudity, copious amounts of cussing, and unapologetic blasphemy. I can't say that I gained any insight into cinema, the human condition, or other intellectual merits of this film, and for that I'm giving it a 3/5. Definitely rent it first.
CommentI will start this off with a warning. I watch messed up movies and this one is really messed up. If you can not handle a movie that is going to make you feel bad about yourself for watching it, DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE
Bad Boy Bubby is about a man that has been sheltered from society his whole life and finally at 35 he gets to discover the world for the first time in the 90's. This movie is not gorey but it does contain disturbing scenes, a significant amount of nudity (male and female) and fake animal abuse. this movie is very well made and will have you feeling strongly for the main character and feeling his pain through the movie. this movie's plot is hard to see coming and by then end you are rooting for bubby.
It starts out showing Bubby getting sexually and physically abused by his mother. Bubby is a 35 year old shut in that has been kept from the rest of the world and only knows his mother and his cat. Bubby has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old and does not fully know how to intereact with people. The begining of this movie is hard to watch because of the abuse Bubby recieves.
Bubby escapes from his mother and is introduced to the real world. he discovers music and pizza for the first time and it is very interesting to watch him interact with other people. We follow Bubby as he makes friends and falls in love, the ending is a pretty good shocker and it will leave you with a big WTF by then end.
Get this movie and watch it. the main actor does an amazing job and if you enjoyed the movie you need to watch the extras too. this movie will have you thinking and creep you out pretty well.Wow, tired of your weekly rentals from Blockbuster of Netflix? Want something that will have a touch of bizarre, obscene, and unusual? Well you are in luck.....Bad Boy Bubby! The movie actually does have an interesting storyline and the main character's rise to fame near the end was a great look into peoples fasination withe next big thing. Worth the price of the DVD, and will illicit many after movie conversations with guests. Mature themes to say the least.I'm a weirdo........ I LOVED this movie. I imagine most people would not give it more than 10 minutes before turning it off. I won't attempt to describe the movie right now other that to say that it is truly one of my favorite movies.......ever. Not really relevant here, but I am so lucky that my lovely fiancee likes this movie as much as I do. When she comes from Sweden to visit she wants to see it again.
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