"I said no cops, why doesn't anybody listen." Mickey Prohaska (Kinnear) is a down on his luck insurance salesman stuck in Wisconsin. After finding out that a new client of his has a rare violin worth over $25,000 he thinks his problems are solved. When he finally finds a way to get it and sell it an unstable locksmith (Crudup) shows up and changes everything. This is a good movie but really could have been better. This is kind of a mix between "Ice Harvest" and "Fargo" but not quite as good as those. I have thought that Greg Kinnear is one of the most underrated actors and this is another fine performance. The only problem is that the entire movie seemed a little flat and was really lacking excitement. I'm not saying that this not a good movie, it is worth watching and I enjoyed it but it was missing something. The thing that really helped the movie was the end. I really liked the twist and that made the movie better then it could have been. Overall, a flat movie with good acting that is saved by the ending. I give it a B.

I am a big fan of mysteries and intrigue, and when I heard this movie related to a Hitchcock film, I knew that I needed to watch this for myself to see what I thought. In watching the film I would have to say that the start of the movie drags a bit as you are getting some of the back story. That being said, the movie does quicken as it moves along and I was impressed with some of the twists and turns that the writers and director take the viewer on. The acting was strong and as a fan of both Kinnear and Arkin, I have to say that they both did a superb job with their characters. The movie was fun and enjoyable and I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for the next card to fall and for the mystery to be revealed and you will too!
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I have always loved anything Hitchcock mysteries, which many stories have started out slow, just like in this movie. But sometimes, that may be done on purpose to gradually build up the suspense, until it becomes intense. The story is intriguing from start to finish, has a Great cast, and a good ending. Throughout the movie, it has many twists-and-turns to hold your interest, which it did for me. Highly Recommended for mystery lovers who enjoy lots of Suspense!
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this starts out a little slow, I was going too change the channel , its a good thing that I didn't................this was full of twists and turns!! a whole lot of underhanded , bad stuff going on!
with a "think about it twice " ending!
you must see this movie........great actors! AN AWESOME PLOT! I had too buy this one! it was that good.
barbie hall
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Mickey Prohaska (Greg Kinnear) is a Wisconsin insurance agent and motivational speaker who is down on his luck. His main problem is that he lacks integrity. This gets him in trouble as "you can't cheat an honest man." His wife (Lea Thompson) has given him the boot. Mickey has a scheme to rob an unsuspecting retired farmer (Alan Arkin) of a valuable violin he has laying around the house. Unfortunately Mickey needs the help of an unscrupulous psychotic home alarm installer (Billy Crudup) to pull the caper off. Things don't go as planned...
One of the problems of this film is that it has similarities to "Fargo." I kept making comparisons in my mind and discovered Greg Kinnear is no William H. Macy; Billy Crudup is no Steve Buscemi. In spite of that, the film is worth watching for its own merits. The plot starts out plausible and slowly inches its way toward the bizarre. The film made clever use of dialouge and the violin soundtrack. The film is better if you can watch it without thinking about "Fargo." Sorry I mentioned it.
Good comedy crime drama.
Parental Guide: F-bomb, near oral sex, no nudity.
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