The Mel Brooks Collection (2011)

The Mel Brooks CollectionI was originally looking to only replace one DVD movie. However when I went looking on Amazon I saw that the collection was on a Timed Deal on Amazon. It had an extreme price cut and I could not pass it up. However even at the higher price it appears to be a value balancing both the content and price per disk in the set. I believe it to be worth the investment so as one would say the buy is not just a "Roll in the Hay" (pardon the Pun).

Here is the low down on the collection:

1) The Box and Packaging of the disks is very good. Includes a cover box and a plastic multi-disk case. (The disks did not shift out of their spot in shipping) Disks also go in and out of the case easily. The Silk Screening on the Box Art is well done. Great selection of Cover Art which is a picture of Mel Brooks as a "Director".

2) You receive quite a number of movies for the price. Silk Screening on the disks is clean and crisp.

3) The picture quality is better than DVD, but maybe not as good as I have seen with other box sets. But not to worry they do make good use of the extra room on the Blu-Ray with Extras.

4) I was impressed with the number of extras that were included, an Example of this is: In Young Frankenstein you get additional out-takes, interviews, bloopers, deleted Scenes, etc.

5) I would recommend exploring the extras they are fun to watch and also give you some insight into the creative process and at times a bigger picture of the story. (I.E. in Young Frankenstein you get to view, as part of the deleted scenes, the reading of the Baron's Will)

6) Includes Trivia Tracks which are fun to play.

7) Downside is it does not contain all of his movies. It would be Nice to have a Volume 2 or 3 which would eventually bring all the features together under one consistently produced collection.

8) Makes a great gift!

I would recommend the collection. So start trading in your DVDs.

This Collection Includes the Following 9 Titles on a set of Blu-Ray Disks:

Blazing Saddles


Young Frankenstein

High Anxiety

History of the World Part 1

Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Silent Movie

To Be or Not To Be

The Twelve Chairs

Blazing Saddles

Extras Include:

New Featurettes:

Trivia Games

Isolated Score Tracks

Deleted Scenes

Gag Reels




Still Galleries

Most of the movies here are classics which makes it a problem if you don't want all the movies. The version of "Blazing Saddles" is the earlier release from Warner which doesn't look as good as the 30th Anniversary re-release and the extras aren't any great shakes. The transfer looks so-so and lacks the sharper look of the later 30th Anniversary Edition. "Young Frankenstein" resembles the first DVD release of the film from Fox with the same extras. Reportedly "Young Frankenstein" was supposed to be remastered in anamorphic widescreen but the wrong master used or the wrong discs shipped with this set. For those that care it's not anamorphic. The film looks extremely good but if you already have these classic films, I'd suggest waiting for these to be released individually.

Fans of Brooks will be buying this for the previously unreleased films "Silent Movie", "Robin Hood:Men in Tights", "To Be or Not to Be" (which Brooks didn't direct but stars in) and "High Anxiety". All these films look pretty good here (although "The Twelve Chairs" is probably going to be of the least interest to fans that grew up on Brooks other classic films). "Robin Hood" comes with an featurette produced for HBO on the film. Most of the others come only with theatrical trailer(s). "To Be or Not To Be" comes with a short featurette and some profiles of Brooks, the late Anne Bancroft and Charles Durning. Clearly they weren't produced for the DVD but must be some sort of promotional bits for another format (you're guess is as good as mine)possibly for an Electtronic Press Book.

If you have problems with any of the discs you can contact Fox at their customer service phone number 1-888-223-2FOX.

Buy The Mel Brooks Collection (2011) Now

Since I grew up in the 80's, I grew up with Mel Brooks' films. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember. When I saw this set listed on Amazon for $45.99, I couldn't pass it up. I must say that Fox has outdone themselves here. Those of you who have been buying Fox's DVDs and blu-rays probably know that there is nothing special about the majority of them, as many are lacking special features, etc. But not so with this set. First of all, the video transfers on all nine movies are simply incredible. I have watched all of these movies on DVD in the past, and the blu-ray versions just blows them all away. Every movie also has an impressive collection of special features. These include excellent documentaries (many of which are in HD), deleted scenes, trailers, TV Spots, etc. My only (albeit small) complaint here is that I wish more of the films had commentaries, because I love listening to Mel talk about the making of his movies. He is funny, witty, and he tells a great story. Also included is a 119-page, hard-bound book which talks about the making of all nine films. I am still in the process of reading it, but so far there is a lot of information about the making of the movies that I had not known before. My only other complaint about this set is that it is missing The Producers, Life Stinks, and Dracula: Dead and loving It. It really is too bad that these films were left out for whatever reason, but when they are finally released on blu, I will pick them up just the same. The bottom line is that if you are a fan of Mel Brooks' movies, then you simply can't go wrong here. You will not be sorry.

Read Best Reviews of The Mel Brooks Collection (2011) Here

FYI everyone, Mel Brooks only shot TWO films in wide screen: "Blazing Saddles" and "History of the World Part 1".

If you compare the rest of the films to the original full frame laserdiscs you will see that FOX just masked off the top & bottom of the picture to make the films look widescreen. They should have been presented in full frame to give us the complete picture, some signs & faces get cut off.

So now I have to keep my 1987 laserdiscs, even though these new transfers look sharper.

The missing films not in this box set are not owned by 20th Century Fox. We are lucky they made a special arrangement with Warner Brothers to include Blazing Saddles (although it is the old master) in this set.

"The Producers" , "Space Balls" and "Life Stinks" are owned by MGM.

"Dracula Dead and Loving it" is distributed by Warner Brothers & owned by Castlerock.

Want The Mel Brooks Collection (2011) Discount?

Allow me to begin by stating that "High Anxiety" is by far, one the all-time BEST Mel Brooks films. Being a huge Hitchcock fan, I immediately became attached to this one. Thank you to 20th Century Fox for finally making this available in Region 1 DVD format for the US.

If you're even just a bit curious, check this title out. You won't be dissatisfied.




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