There are several cameos in Book of Love that do add to the fun, and a load of extras that add value as well, but personally I'd have to say that this one veers far more to rental territory than to purchase territory. Tread carefully here. If you aren't a fan of the series, then look elsewhere.
Hopefully the next film in the series delivers something a little better for everyone to enjoy.The AMERICAN PIE series is by far my favorite group of comedy films so I hate to say that BOOK OF LOVE is a bad film but it really is. Certainly none of these films are CITIZEN KANE but they have all had some funny gags, likeable and attractive characters and fairly decent scripts (the first four in particular). Sadly this group of actors (who are supposed to be in high school but look to be in their late twenties) can't even pull off this lame material which includes screwing a peanut butter sandwich, oral sex from the family dog and the "Stiffler" character getting plowed in the rear by a CGI moose. All of the characters are unpleasent for the most part (although Ms. Arquett does a decent job). There is really no one to identify with in this film. This time around no attempt is made to link Stiffler with his previous onscreen relatives and his character amounts to little more than a cameo. Even Eugene Levy phones it in on this one. The entire premise of the film is also extremely unlikely and rather stupid. Hopefully the inevitable part 8 will get back on track. This one is true mess.
Buy American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (2009) Now
Once again Universal dumps the high end cameras and transfer into one of their franchises, so the resulting Blu picture and sound are flawless, but in a film that does not qualify. The DTS was mixed perfectly, especially in each fantasy sequence the music didn't drown anything out. The picture was crystal enough to see every pore and flesh tone and there is a great deal of that. Aside from the cameos and fun fantasy sequences, the movie is forgettable, but the supplements are fun and worth the watch, including:* Making of, 8:00 minutes. Director intros with how he dislikes the usual fare so this and all of the others could have been one long documentary of gags, outtakes and fun on the set. This one covers some brief interviews and gags.
* Love Manual, 5:50 minutes. The hot girls from the movie and some of the cameo guys give their take on how to get with ladies.
* Trivia. One of the cast goes around the set and tests people's memory on some good American Pie trivia. Enjoyable.
* Pie-Cons, 6:50 minutes. Interviews with the long list of cameos in this film.
* Deleted scenes, 11:14 minutes. Plenty of extra skin and forgettable dialogue.
* Gag Reel, 4:00 minutes. More outtakes and adlib stuff hilarious.
* From the Set, 10 clips totaling 19 minutes. Essentially more deleted scenes with lots of extra ladies sans their clothing in funny sequences. Obviously this crew/cast had a good time making the film.
The extended is only a few minutes longer and there really isn't that much of a difference to warrant watching this twice. I would say bookmark the few worthy music scenes on your BD player (love that feature) watch the supplements and skip the rest, but the quality and extras make this a worthy addition to your library if you like the franchise. 3 stars for the positives listed. Enjoy.
Read Best Reviews of American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (2009) Here
With the American Pie movies 2 of them stand out as by far the worst and best of the series. The best being oddly enough American Pie 2 and the worst being American Pie Presents Band Camp the second worst dreaded forth sequel of an movie series with the worst being Wrong Turn 4. Another odd thing about the American Pie movies is that Book Of Love is the second worst of the series and it's follow up American Reunion is the second best of the series.The plot of the movie is pretty simple 3 guys (Nathan, Rob, and Lube) are trying to lose their virginity in high school and keep striking out big time kind of like Finch, Kevin, Oz, and Jim in the first pie movie. The main character Rob takes the place of Jim in this movie since he is tying to get with a girl named Heidi and keeps woosing out when trying to pick her up, kind of like Jim does with Nadia in the first pie movie. Except the big difference is Heidi isn't an exchange student, is present through out the entire movie, and isn't really comparable to Nadia in the first pie movie. Then there's Nathan who has a girlfriend who won't go all the way kind of like Kevin does in the first pie movie. Except the difference is Nathan's girl (Dana) is not a virgin and has black hair. Then Lube because he's overweight kind of plays the part of Oz and Finch combined without being involved in any sports. And then Scott Stifler takes the place of Steve Stifler in the movie.
Rob accidentally sets part of the school library on fire when going after Heidi at a school dance and puts the fire out with water. After he puts the fire out with water he finds the book of love/bible in ruins through serving detention cleaning up his mess. Him, Nathan, and Lube try to read the book of love and use it to get laid. Then after they end up killing a prostitute (Monique) over 65 years of age in Canada by Rob trying to have sex with her due to a passage in the book of love that was written in 1975 about having sex with Monique that Rob, Nathan, and Lube thought was written in 1995. Rob, Nathan, and Lube find the name Noah Levenstien as the first person who checked out the book, contact him, and find out he was the original writer of the book. Then Noah, Rob, Nathan, and Lube contact everyone else who checked out the book to re-print what they'd wrote in the book.
Now lets look at the mistakes in the movie
*Scott Stifler is by far the least funniest of all the Stiflers including Eric. It seemed like the actor who played him really lacked that jerky voice and presentation of anger it took to play a Stifler. Plus the Stifler's play LaCross and football not basketball.
*Way too many embarrassing youtube videos on Rob. It was almost like Rob's little brother put too many youtube videos up of Rob's embarrassing moments during the movie and the director didn't spread out all the boys trying to lose their virginity getting embarrassed through out the movie like in the first American Pie with Finch, Stifler, Jim, and Oz. Instead (even though Lube got an embarrassing moment or 2 in the movie) it seemed like everything was focused on Rob. And Stifler got a good embarrassing moment at the end of the film that was pretty good. Plus all the embarrassing moments in this film unlike the first American Pie just seemed too fictional and non believable causing them not to be as funny as they were in the first American Pie.
*Stifler's house-When Scott Stifler threw a party at his house it just didn't seem believable as your typical get drunk high school party. The party seemed to have too much going on at it and just wasn't the same as the party's Steve Stifler threw at his hose in American Pie 1 & 2 and American Reunion.
*Eugene Levy has the smallest part of any American Pie movie-Eugene Levy wrote the book of love/bible, why is he only in the movie for 20 minutes straight and not spread out through out the entire movie like he is in the other 7 American Pie movies? And why was the book of love written in 1969 when Noah Levenstien (played by Eugene Levy) was in high school, when according to American Pie Presents The Beta House Noah was captain of the Beta House during the last greek games in 1969 (well technically second to last since in Beta House the house does have the greek games against another fraternity house at the end of the film)?
*No Kevin or Tom Myers-When Rob, Nathan, Lube, and Noah re-construct the book of love they call everyone who's checked it out and wrote in it. These people include the East Great Falls principal, Brett Michaels, and other people. Why where Kevin (ie Thomas Ian Nicholas) and Tom (ie Casey Affleck) Myers not in any of these scenes when they were the ones who were talking about and using the book of love in the first American Pie movie?
But all in although American Pie Presents Book of love may not be the best of the pie series, it's still better then American Pie Present's Band Camp and has a much better ending. Even though it seemed like the creator of this movie tried to take the same approach the creator of the first American Pie did. Except the big difference is the creator of the first American Pie found much better and younger actors no one knew about.
Want American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (2009) Discount?
The Book of Love is the final entry in the American Pie Presents series and it is the worst. Eugene Levy's cameo can't help this outrageous and unfunny sequel. Well, actually it is a recycled version of all the American Pies with the reintroduction of the book of love. The cast has no chemistry and the script feels like it is a first draft. Yes, there's graphic nudity, graphic language, sexual situations, and gross out humor, but it is all done in bad taste. There are a few scenes that attempted to be funny, but failed to do so. I bought the movie for a $1.96 at a Black Friday sale, otherwise I would have never watched it.
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