Adam Blade is the main hero, a Needless with the ability of "Learning" his opponents attacks, his "look" could be described as a combination between Hellsing's Alucard and Devil May Cry's Dante, Blade is suppose to be a priest BUT he hates to listen to people's confessions and has an attraction to underage girls.
Needless is always breaking continuity, character development, fight scenes, product placement or fan service, in short it's a fast paced anime that once you get to the end credits you'll feel the curiosity to see what is going to happen in the next episode, if you like One Piece or Bleach, then you will enjoy this 24 episode anime that unlike One Piece and Bleach, NEEDLESS has a beginning and an ending.
Opening theme.
Character design are from metro to moe.
All characters are likable.
Lots of fan service.
Episode 6.
English and Japanese versions are topnotch.
Ending theme.
It's really hard to enjoy something not involving Moe, and I don't mind if Moe is in every anime now these days, but if it is used in the right way like here then let there be more action-moe-comedies in the future. Overall big thumbs-up to Sentai Films for high quality anime and I'm more than glad to hear the ADV films voice actors again, 5 out of 5.Ok, I saw this anime before the English dub was realeased, so I'm not going to talk about that because it's horrible and the comedy holds no water with English voices. Anyway, the reason I love this anime so much is because it doesn't take itself seriously; hilarity follows. It's hard not to laugh when you're watching an intense fight scene and one of the characters throws out a move called "Little Boy."
As far as the animation goes it could be better but it could also be a lot worse, there are a lot of stills but not nearly as many as an anime like Inuyasha. One scene in particular really shows how much the animation shines where the animation completely shifts so everything is drawn "sketchy" (lots of lines? think of the opening cut scene to Super Street Fighter IV) and everything is really fluid with little to no stills at all. The animators decided to do this at seemingly random points throughout the episodes. I would also like to note that I really like the artwork. It's the happy medium between way too much detail (where characters look like they could be real people) and way too little detail (looks like an 8 year old did it).
Story wise it's a pretty run in the mill anime story with only a few plot twists. The story isn't really the main draw to this anime though, it's the comedy. The anime basically parodies any other action anime released. They succeed in doing this through stupid move names(stupid moves), and just a general lack of seriousness most of the time. The soundtrack is pretty good too, if you like Guilty Gear's music you will like the music here. As a matter of fact I'd go as far to say if you like Guilty Gear you'll like this anime.
Now...this anime isn't for everyone. If you're looking for a serious story with serious characters I'd stay far away from this. And if you have any problems with the main character being a *SPOILERS* borderline pedophile, *SPOILERS* I wouldn't watch this. There's also a lot of fanservice(panty shots, nearly naked ladies, anything short of actual nudity) which I don't think is really good or bad, that's more your call. I personally think some of the moments wouldn't be funny without it. But yeah, LOTS of fanservice here.
After watching the series once I fell in love with it. It's now one of my favorite anime series. So if you're still interested after reading this I'd highly recommend giving it a shot. I promise you won't be disappointed, as long as you don't watch the English dub...I was thrilled when I first saw this anime. It started off with a bang; it was funny, somewhat original, good fight scenes, and drew you in immediately. Then it stopped. I was really disappointed with this show It could have been so much better.
This anime series had an excellent formula: a post-apocalyptic "X-Men" with the edgy attitude of Gurren Lagann, pitting unlikely heroes against the usual evil syndicate, and plenty of goofy humor and fanservice. This series got off to an excellent start. They introduced the characters, began building the worldview, and surrounded it all by fun fight scenes and hilarious antics. Then they stopped. It was like one third of the way through, they fired the talented director and writing staff and replaced them with a bunch of C-list wannabes incapable or writing anything deeper than a Saturday morning cartoon. They tore out any and all sense or originality and depth and replaced it with the same tired old shonen anime tropes and stereotypes. Granted, with this type of anime I'm not expecting a level of depth on par with Berserk or Elfen Lied (and I wouldn't want it that way either). But considering the foul language, intense violence, and prevalent fanservice, you'd think that it was not made for 8-year olds; that they'd put a little more thought into it. Not only did they shut down the character development and plot, the fight scenes grew stale and boring as well. Why is it that all the heroes forget how to fight when confronted with a new enemy? Granted, constant one-up-man-ship is a staple of these shows, but its not even amusing here. At least shows like Dragon Ball, Bleach and Naruto keep it interesting.
We all know how these shows tend to use filler in order to separate story arcs, and allow time for plot development, but here it seemed like the fight scenes in the middle were filler. Seriously, you could probably skip episodes 9-20 and not miss anything. [Just know: "it's the sister. She's evil." Now you're caught up.] They missed excellent opportunities for plot and character development. Even the interactions amongst the characters got stale and boring. Many characters are supposed to have these old, deep relationships (Eve and Blade, Cruz and Aruka, Saten and the Professor) but they never really go into them. It's just presented to us as factual information.
In conclusion Needless began well, but stopped. They threw away any and all opportunities for emotive depth and character development, and stopped trying with the humor and fight scenes. Granted, there are some gems within here; and the parts they spent time on they did well. But those are as typically rare as diamond find. This is a renter. Find it on netflix.This split season collection "Collection 1" is OOP and I bought this used at a good price. Great action anime series!I love having complete collections not only does it save more space on your book case but it also has all the episodes that you can watch again and again. This anime had pretty artwork and i love the plot just wish they made more of this anime.
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