Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay (2008)

Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo BayOkay, I heard that this movie was really not funny or it wasn't as good as the original. After just seeing it all I can say is: WRONG ON BOTH COUNTS!

What a pleasant surprise! This film continues the further adventures of two racially stereotyped college students days shortly after their adventures from the first film. However due to Kal Penn's Kumar who just can't live without weed for one second, even though he and best pal John Cho's Harold are headed to Amsterdam where weed is legal in the first place, are caught with a bong on the plane that quickly gets mistaken for a bomb. Enter a racially moronic Federal officer (very funny) played by Rob Corddry, and the two get sent to the famous Guantanamo Bay....

..and by the title of the film alone you'd figure it was all about dealing with life in that prison, dont'cha? Wrong again. That title is misleading because this is another H&K road trip movie, because they're outta the Bay within the movie's first fifteen minutes. The rest of the movie involves getting back to America, encountering tons of stereotypes of race in different ways, saving Kumar's ex from a jerk, and a ton of other very humorous people and things along the way. Don't let the title fool you, there's alot more to this movie than a remake of "Let's Go To Prison".

Now I wasn't that huge of a fan of the first movie other than thinking it was okay at best, but Bay beats it by leaps and bounds. I must have laughed twenty to thirty good times watching it. And with the disc I choose the Unrated version and for a comedy, this one really, really pushes the limit on that term. There's some scenes in it I can't believe would be allowed on any Family Superstore's shelf. And believe me, it ain't all pot jokes either, and in fact I felt that got downplayed for other funny subjects quite well here.

So look, this movie isn't the Animal House or Up In Smoke of this generation in overall quality but bottom line, it's very funny. I couldn't believe a sequel to a movie that didn't blow me away the first time could make me laugh like this one and I didn't roll my eyes in bad-joke despair not once here. It is NOT as bad as some have made it out to be and I feel it's about time we can all laugh at each others cultural differences in film again without truly being hurtful. Definitely worth a view/rent, and maybe a purchase when both films are maybe sold together. Glad to see Harold & Kumar back, see you two again in Part III.

(RedSabbath Rating:8.0/10)

This movie was far better than I expected it to be. The critics did not give it its just desserts largely because of its use of many of the same themes and gags from their first movie, i.e., a supposed lack of originality. I disagree. The sequel builds on and successfully uses what it created in the first movie. It is essentially about how bad things constantly happen to two well-meaning but chemically challenged bunglers, who despite their many flaws, are the good guys in the movie. It is underrated as a satire as it pokes fun at the sheer boneheadedness of those responsible for such moral and legal travesties as Gitmo, instead of simply portraying them as wrong. It is ultimately meant to be funny, not a political lesson, however, and it usually achieves its goal, although it does rely more on the use of nudity and graphic "shock and awe" techniques than the previous movie. I disagree with those characterizing it as advocating drug use. No one could see how these two goofballs screw up their lives (such as getting sent to Gitmo because of Kumar's hi-tech bong) and rationally want to emulate them, anymore than watching a trainwreck would make one want to be in one. It is satirical slapstick that is both funny and ultimately goodhearted as it drives home the inner goodness of its unlikely heroes after they find two strong women to help straighten-out the messes they have created of their lives!

Buy Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay (2008) Now

Ok, it has a few raunchy parts but I will say that when I watch either of Harold and Kumar's movies that I feel so great afterwards because it made me laugh so much, so deeply. I really recommend both movies not just for teens! I'm in my 40's!

Read Best Reviews of Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay (2008) Here

Ok so it is sort of a guy's movie. I, however, am female, but still LOVED this movie.

I really enjoyed the first one, and the second (Guantanamo) is far funnier. I rarely buy movies (since I don't usually watch them more than once) but I bought this one.

Not really for those with weak stomachs. Also, Neal Patrick Harris's cameo in this incredibly enjoyable.

Rent it first, but seriously, if you liked the first one, you'll LOVE this one.


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