As an anecdote, Terrell also took a day trip to Las Vegas and bought some special dresses for Autumn, a character who evolved from a simple young woman, to a fashionable force to be dealt with. He was totally hands on for this production, and has great taste in women's and men's clothing, which he also wardrobed.
So, for a night of entertainment, and a look into a different world, try it! It's based on true events, but the names, and I'm thinking the sport have been changed to protect the innocent.THE COALITION is co-written and co-produced by pro football star Terrell Suggs of the Super Bowl XVLII champion Baltimore Ravens. I know what you're thinking, straight-to-DVD romantic comedy co-written/produced by a guy who makes a living putting quarterbacks in the hospital? No thanks. Well, you're in for a pleasant surprise
THE COALITION, which is co-written/directed by Monica Mingo, is the story of a group of scorned women who form an unlikely alliance to get revenge on a superstar baller named Prime (played by ex-Seattle Seahawk, Eddie Goines) and his womanizing homeboys, after Prime replaces the film's ostensible protagonist, a successful, but desperate sister named Autumn (played by newcomer Ingrid Clay), with a sexy, but naïve Afro-Asian "good girl" named Skylar (played by former Hip-Hop video model, Denyce Lawton). We see this "ex-girl-to-the-next-girl" scenario play out in various ways during the movie's first act. In one particularly cold-blooded scene, Autumn receives a cardboard box with her belongings from Prime's house, including photos of the ex-couple with her face cut out, on the same day Skylar gets chauffeured around town for an all-expense paid trip to the beauty salon and health spa.
Of course, Autumn isn't having this, even though she has a man at home and is sleeping with one of Prime's best friends, and starts stirring up trouble in Skylar and Prime's relationship. While THE COALITION's plot may sound like an extended episode of VH1′s Basketball Wives (champagne will be thrown into face), it's actually closer to a feature-length version of Black Entertainment Television's equally-popular (and smarter) comedy/drama series "The Game" and its predecessor, "Girlfriends".
What makes this intriguing, is the fact that Terrell Suggs, one of the NFL's highest-paid defenders, has an intimate knowledge of this world, which makes you feel like you're getting inside information (it is, after all, based on "true events"). Furthermore, THE COALITION's storyline is highly-nuanced and none of its characters are actually who they appear to be, so viewers can expect a few well-placed twists.
All in all, THE COALITION makes for a pretty enjoyable movie night and is well worth a look.Good acting, strong storyline, and nice plot twists. Movie has plenty of eye candy for both sexes. What's not to like?not well written...too much trivial details. Couldn't watch very much...kept looking for some substance but the story was not good enough. Direction and acting was good...story line not interesting at all.Good Plot and twists. Some weak spots, but the couple at the end makes the movie worth the watch. Perhaps it could have been wrapped up a little better, but I guess real life can be this messy too.
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