Chillerama (Unrated) (2011)

ChilleramaPersonally I've grown quite weary of all these homage/throwback style grindhouse films that have been coming out over the last few years. Every now and again a decent one comes through, but for me it's like watching a tribute band-It may be decent, but all it really makes you want to do is see the real band.

Chillerama is another one of these of course, and it really wears it's influences on it's sleeve. It's a full on comedy, and aimed solely at exploitation/horror junkies like myself. Not that you have to be horror fanatic to appreciate this film, but you will definitely catch most of the references, homages and jokes if you are. Just like you don't have to be a James Bond fan to enjoy the Austin Powers films, but it helps immensely. The humor is mainly of the crude sexual variety-Definitely a What-Can-We-Get-Away-With approach. Many reviewers compare this to Troma, and that's a fair comparison, though I'd say that Troma is still the undisputed king of pushing the limits of sex/violence and bad taste.

Chillerama, in the Creepshow and Amicus Pictures tradition, is an anthology film(remember those?). It's four stories by four newschool horror directors(though Adam Rifkin has been around for awhile now). The film takes place in a drive-in theater on it's last night before it's torn down. Three "lost" horror films are being shown, and we watch those three films with the audience.

The first is WADZILLA by Adam Rifkin, and arguably the best one. A nerdy guy takes an experimental drug to increase sperm volume and before you know it there's a gigantic sperm terrorizing New York. This film takes place in the 50s and is an homage to the giant monsters on the rampage movies of that time. However, the look and style of the film seems to be more in the vein of horror films from the 70s and early 80s. A kind of two for one deal, and a very good homage on both counts.

The second film is I WAS A TEENAGE WEREBEAR by Tim Sullivan. This is story set in the early 60s about a guy who is struggling with the fact that he might be homosexual. He's not so much interested in his girlfriend as he is in the local gang of leather clad bad boys. When he's bitten by the James Dean-esque leader of the gang(the two sidekicks look like they stepped out of the Blue Oyster Bar from the Police Academy movies), he becomes a gay werewolf-A Werebear!! He refuses to join the fold however. Kind of a gay Lost Boys if you will. This film is less an homage to horror as it is an homage to both teenage 50s films like Rebel Without A Cause and the Beach Party films of the 60s. There are even a few musical numbers.

This is the episode that gets the most heat from reviewers. While I agree that it is the weakest link here, I don't share the animosity towards it. It is actually a good homage to the genres it's spoofing, it's just that it probably doesn't belong in this movie as it's really the odd one out and throws off the momentum.

Then there's Adam Green's DIARY OF ANNE FRANKENSTEIN. This is about Hitler obtaining Anne Frank(enstein)'s grandfather's diary, which of course contains the secrets of creating life from the dead. Hitler creates his own hulking brute to help him take over the world. Green did a great job on this homage to films of the 30s. It's all in "German" with English subtitles. The "German" here is impressively and humorously improvised instead of being actual German. The 30s look is fantastic, and the slapstick buffoonery of Hitler is like many of the American films and cartoons of that era that poked fun of him. Great stuff.

A fourth film called DEATHICATION is set to show, but is interrupted by the proper fourth film, ZOM-B-MOVIE, which is the wraparound story about a zombie invasion at the drive-in showing the CHILLERAMA. We only see the first few minutes of DEATHICATION, but it's a hilarious collection of poop themed carnage. Definitely the most TROMA-esque.

In ZOM-B-MOVIE by Joe Lynch, all the drama we've been experiencing with the characters at the drive-in comes to a head when the zombie outbreak begins(the prologue shows how this infestation begins), and the characters find themselves fighting for their lives....and virginity. The zombies aren't so much here to eat them(though they certainly do), but know what!

It's a decent story, also quite TROMA-esque, but honestly I'm sick of zombies. With zombies having become so commercialized and becoming the Star Trek of the horror genre in recent years(along with vampires), I don't care if I ever see another zombie movie again. I'm so desensitized to it, zombies just don't do anything for me anymore(I never thought I'd ever say those words).

So, while Chillerama may not be perfect on all accounts, I think horror fans will find quite a bit here to eat up and enjoy. Plus it's really reassuring to see modern horror film directors keeping their love for classic horror and exploitation alive. A great love letter to the drive-in era that we horror fans all love so much. I'm glad this film was made and I'm glad to have watched it.

I've given this movie a 5 star rating, but I have to admit that it's not for everyone. Do you like cheesey low budget horror? Do you think a giant Godzilla sized sperm cell reaking havoc on New York city is good movie making? Do you think the idea of a 1950's pop musical style movie about a young man getting in touch with his homosexuality via the curse of the Werebear is hilarious? Can you laugh at subtitled black and white movie about Adolf Hitler making a Jewish Frankenstein? If the answer to these questions is yes, then buy this movie immeadiately. You'll be laughing so hard you'll cry. If you have like minded friends, have them over for some adult beverages and watch it together. Perfect recipe for a good time. As far as picture quality goes, these movies are intended to look like old movies, so there's scratches and black specs all over the place, but that's part of the charm. This is a horror anthology love letter to all those b-movies that could never be as boundary pushing as they wanted to be. Enjoy!

Buy Chillerama (Unrated) (2011) Now

This movie looked absurd and I am pleased to tell you, IT IS!

It crosses lines others are too scared to touch. It's the kind of movie I had hoped it would be. If you love Troma movies or Grindhouse this movie is for you.

Makes me long for the days of the Drive In. Tho, nothing could have been this cool.

Read Best Reviews of Chillerama (Unrated) (2011) Here

The twisted minds of Adam Rifkin, Tim Sullivan, Joe Lynch, and Adam Green come together to bring you the greatest midnight movie of all time! ...Well, not exactly. Not at all, actually... CHILLERAMA is in contention with CREEPSHOW 3 and SNOOP DOGG'S HOOD OF HORROR for the title of worst omnibus film ever made. It is vulgar and childish, but worst of all, it is dreadfully boring.

America's last drive-in is shutting its doors forever, but not before putting on one final show: It's Chillerama, featuring four ghoulish tales of terror! Up first, a giant mutant sperm cell goes on a rampage through New York City in WADZILLA! Then, a young teen fights his confusing new urges in I WAS A TEENAGE WEREBEAR. Next, Hitler develops the ultimate killing machine using THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANKENSTEIN. Finally, some tainted popcorn turns an entire theater audience into a pack of oversexed zombies in ZOM-B-MOVIE.

It is impossible to pick a favorite here. Literally impossible, because they are all so terrible. Instead of producing a campy satire of the drive-in fodder that was produced over the past forty years, we are given a cheesy spoof, and an idiotic one at that. Each of the stories begin with a silly enough premise, which quickly outlives the humor of the shorts, themselves. Any of the talent that these directors have displayed in the past is lost on CHILLERAMA, and instead traded in for stupid dick and fart jokes. The special effects are meant to imitate the films from these eras, and if looking awful was the goal, they certainly achieved it. While each of the entries drag on indefinitely, Tim Sullivan's gay werewolf musical simply becomes unbearable. He even makes the mistake of hiring his own Scream Queens winner Gabby West, proving once and for all that the show was a sham given her ridiculous performance. Only Joel David Moore succeeds with his hilarious play on Hitler.

CHILLERAMA is a wasted opportunity that will be hard-pressed to find an audience even with the Troma crowds.

-Carl Manes

I Like Horror Movies

Want Chillerama (Unrated) (2011) Discount?

I watched this Tuesday night as a double bill with Girls Gone Dead on DarrellTV (actually, I purchased both here last month). Chillerama is a cross between Tales from the Crypt amd American Pie. The wrap-around story takes place at a drive-in closing its doors and the individual tales are shown as grindhouse features on the screens; the wrap-around also features multiple subplots from moviegoers and drive-in staff, in which the projectionist is contaminated with a zombie lust virus after digging his wife's corpse up and then spreading the virus to the drive-in patrons. First story is called Wadzilla and has to be seen to be believed (I won't even try to explain the amusement): 5. Second story is my least favorite but was well-crafted; singing and werebears just aren't for me (haha): 4. Third story is in black and white and marries Anne Frank and Frankenstein; Kane Hodder plays the Nazi-built Jewish creature that meows for his first word (I replayed it and laughed even louder...Yes, he said that!); Hitler sings!: 5. The fourth story reminds me of the Groove Tube and is the least of my interest: 2. This movie has dozens of cameos and in-jokes...and gallons of electric blue goo. Well worth my sheckles. Thanx to all four directors!

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