Think "When Harry Met Sally." There is no fake orgasm scene, but you do drop in and out of these people's lives as they inch closer toward each other and further away. Toward the end, I half expected Billy Crystal to show up and say "I came here tonight because when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
It might not be what people are used to in terms of a "romantic comedy" (or what passes for one today). Instead, it's engaging and true-to-life. I smiled more than I laughed, but I smiled a lot.I really tried to like this movie. It seemed to have the potential to win me over and I thought that in the last 5 minutes it was going to successfully warm my heart. As it turned out, the last 1 minute put such a rotten taste in my mouth that I wish that I could have those entire 108 minutes of my life back.
First off, I must disclaim that I am not a prude. I am a progressive man who understands that we live in modern times and I find validity in all sorts of relationship variants, family structure types, and believe that they all carry currency and have the potential to provide a meaningful, satisfactory life. With all that said, I must admit: this movie really disappointed me.
The entire premise of the film is superficial and the male main character, Jason (Adam Scott), is particularly irritatingly hollow. His world is viewed only through the lens of his sexual conquests. I found it totally uninteresting and certainly not worth the time spent on screen exploring this one-dimensional worldview. Next, the movie does everything in its power to create an awkward tension between Jason and Julie throughout the ENTIRE film, and then we are left to imagine it all working out in the last few moments that this tension magically resolves and they live happily ever after? Great care was taken to paint a realistic picture of parenthood (albeit, quite stereotypical, to be fair), a realistic view of the complexity of long term friendships between couples, and then, in the final moments of the film, we're delivered a COMPLETELY fake and forced resolution. Just when it seems Jason is going to finally "get it" -that meaningful relationships are not merely about sex and that initial passions eventually morph into long term mutual respect and partnership -he offers, as a symbol of his commitment to Julie, to "F" the "S" out of her (insert crude language here). In that situation, would anyone actually ever say that? I don't think so.
There are plenty of great films who succeed at being both 'comedy' and 'drama'. However, in my opinion, this film is simply not one of them.
Buy Friends with Kids (2012) Now
I don't want to put a spoiler here so I won't say anything about the ending. Sends a bad message.Read Best Reviews of Friends with Kids (2012) Here
I was really excited about this movie because of the cast and was extremely disappointed. The language is terrible throughout the movie. (I am not a prude, but F every other word jars me a bit.)It was also a bit depressing if you are looking for a comedy. Just be warned.I would really love to know why a movie that is in fact a drama would advertise itself as a comedy? The moviegoer, in this case, me, settles in to expect to laugh, especially with the cast of Friends with Kids but instead waits......and waits......and waits for the funny. The funny never comes. So the viewer gets disappointed and ends up thinking it's going to end up on her "most hated movies" list when really if they would have advertised it as a drama she would have approached it as such and could have made her determination based on the movie being serious....but, nooooooooo, she just gets to watch a really unfunny comedy.
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