But who on earth would watch this film for the plot? True to the original, 2000 is a great blues MUSIC sequel. You've got to admire the script writing that has Elwood earnestly trying to convince his band they can compete in a battle of the bands against Clapton backing B.B. with Clarence on sax, or Aretha actually delivering a better take on Respect than on the original film, or John Goodman doing James Browns' cape.....this is great stuff.....and what really matters is that the musicians are having a ball.....and it comes through loud and clear, with soul to spare.
Buy this one for the music, the charisma that jumps off the screen and realize that Belushi would have loved it no matter what.....after all, it still celebrates the blues!Boy, it took guts to not submit this review anonymously, though I feel less ashamed of myself for liking it after seeing other reviews here. Well, it's not the original-nothing is, and no-one can replace Belushi. (you can't help thinking of that joke while watching this, the one that goes 'what's blue and sings alone? Dan Ackroyd') Thank GOD they used John Goodman instead of Belushi's brother. I didn't like the scene where they all turned into zombies, that was embarrassing--and what the heck did it have to do with the plot? Speaking of the plot, it was pretty much non-existent, mainly an excuse to rehash scenes from the original. But as for the good stuff...Ackroyd did as good of a job as he could. He obviously took off weight for the role, though he is far from the slim, fast-dancing, sexy Elwood he used to be. His dancing has slowed down, but is still solid. He's actually still pretty charming in parts. The kid didn't annoy me anywhere as near as much as I thought he would (mostly because he didn't have many lines) and could really dance, though I winced when he sang. The scene I replayed over and over, that I will probably buy the movie just to own, was when they did "Ghost Riders in the Sky" and there are these killer visuals of storm clouds and then the actual ghost riders themselves--I practically levitated, that part looked so damn cool. Of course, the best thing by far was the sound-track. "John the Revelator" gave me goose bumps. "Lovelight" and even the corny "Lookin for a Fox" caused me to go out and buy the sound-track almost immediately, though I couldn't meet the clerk's eye when I bought it, I was so embarrassed. I love listening to that tape! Worth seeing just for the music-fast forward through everything else if you have to, and stick around after the credits for a treat.
Buy Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) Now
How could any fan of "blues," not like this? I mean, look at all the great performers in this film and how much better does it get to have all of them join in for a couple of jam sessions at the end? The movie sports a "Who's Who" of modern-day blues musicians and singers and also is directed by John Landis, who has directed some of the most entertaining films of the last 25 years.Yes, it's a dumb story......very dumb......but it's about the music.
The leading actors were amusing: Dan Akyroyd and John Goodman and a really neat-looking little kid in J. Evan Bonifant who really makes me laugh. Just looking at this 10-year-old dancing is his Blues Brothers outfit alone is worth a number of laughs. Some of the characters in here are so outrageous they would be tough to describe. The car chases, the dances and clothing were all over-the-top story. No, this isn't Shakespeare and it wasn't meant to be. It's probably closer to Dukes Of Hazzard. It's a much nicer-edged movie than the first Blues Brothers but too many people want "edgy" material all the time.
Not only are the characters colorful, so is the cinematography, making it both a visual and audio treat. So....just look at it as a blue concert with a few laughs, and, hopefully, you'll enjoy it.This is a must see if you enjoyed The Blues Brothers. It follows on in the same madcap way with more excellent music, You will not be disappointed,William Goldman has said something along the lines that movie sequels are usually written by literary... I like Dan Aykroyd a lot. John Landis has a lot of talent as a director. And I enjoyed almost all of the original BLUES BROTHERS. However, I'm sad to say that this long delayed and awaited sequel is a poor companion to the original; Akyroyd and Landis have prostituted their talents for almost nothing. It has nothing to do with the absence of the late John Belushi either (John Goodman does a decent job as a replacement). It has everything to do with the poorly written script. The original film had a few outrageous scenes (the chase at the end is far-fetched, but remains as the best chase scene of all time), but they were tightly knitted together. Not so in BLUES BROTHERS 2000. It is as though Aykroyd and Landis just rehashed stuff from the first movie to make this film seem Blues Brothersish. It just doesn't work. Outside of Goodman and Aykroyd, the only thing that saves this film from being a total flop is the music. Therefore, you're better off listening to the soundtrack than watching the movie. You won't miss out on anything that way and are saved watching a lot of garbage.
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