Although the story is, of course, done in parody, and everything (including the raucous dialogue) is embellished and exaggerated upon, what remains true is that the CORE of the election process remains unchanged. The mud slinging, the character assassination, and the win-at-any cost attitude are all put to examination, exposing the absurdities of each of these time honored American "traditions". In the spirit of "The Daily Show", this movie brings very important issues to light by putting them under the spotlight with a humorous approach. And as any fan of "The Daily Show" knows... you oftentimes get a closer look at the issues on that "fake show" than on the "real ones".Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) is a congressman who runs unopposed. After he leaves a graphic obscene phone call at a wrong number, he becomes vulnerable. The rich Motch brothers (Koch brothers) decide they can buy this election and own a congressman in the effeminate Marty Huggins (Zach Galifianakis). The story centers around their over the top, no holds bar campaign against each other.
The film news extras include mostly the MSNBC crowd. The humor is crude and sexual such as when Marty's wife (Sarah Baker) admits "I touch myself to Drew Carey on "The Price is Right." Okay so who doesn't.
It is a satire of the American electorate who relish slogans and sound bites over substance. It makes a statement on how our nation can be bought, but not as good as Steven Colbert. At times the film becomes too over the top and loses sight of the satire.
Parental Guide: F-bombs, sex, brief nudity (Amelia Jackson-Gray)This movie was kind of disappointing, even though Zach Galifiniakis's appearance seemed to breathe momentary life into it. Will Ferrell was predictable, and I like him, but it just kind of dragged on.Complete disappointment. Yes, there were a few laughs but by and large this movie was a flop and a half. With these two actors, the comedic ceiling was very high. Unfortunately, the movie sits on the floor essentially the whole time.not funny. It was 2 hrs I'll never get back. If I wasn't so cheap, I'd have quit watching after 10 minutes.
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