They encounter a group of women who look like porn stars (with their own slow motion swagger music) along the way. Eventually they become lesbian vampire killers. The movie also has a vicar who drops the f-bomb. Condoms are loaded up with holy water to make water bombs against lesbian vampires. The only way to kill the vampire queen is for Jimmy to use a special sword with a handle in the shape of the male organ.
I loved the humor. When a man's wife catches him cheating, he says to her, "In my defense, I wasn't going to tell you."
Fletch complains about the lesbian vampires, "Even dead, women would rather have each other than me." Jimmy and Fletch are a modern day Frodo and Samwise going against the forces of evil. The movie contains bad language, but not overly vulgar. There is some brief nudity early in the film (topless women from the 18th century with implants). The vampire blood was white goo. The sexual situations of girl on girl is more simulation and fake than erotic.
I am ready for the sequel. Now if they can only get Angelina to play the queen. 4 1/2 starsTo enjoy this movie you musn't take it to seriously but it's title should make that obvious.
very B-grade, over the top and sometimes woody acting and very cheesy story lines.
Lesbian Vampire Killers has everything that makes a movie bad, but somehow is a very entertaining romp that undoubtably has a cult of guilty pleasure followers.
Alot of people will love this film, just as many will find it utter rubbish, if you enjoy corny B-grade horror comedy the L.V.K may just hit the spot
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