The first film introduces us to the pair who live together;Harold has a dead end job at an accounting firm and Kumar,who cake walked through doctors college,puts off,again and again,following in his fathers footsteps and prefers the good times.One night they get stoned(again)and have a giant craving for some White Castle food.The films' flimsy plot is what most of the movie entails;that is the guys efforts to find a White Castle eatery in which to satisfy their cravings.They go from hang gliding to bumping into Neil Patrick Harris(Doogie Howser)to getting stoned and riding a cheetah(you have top see it to believe it!)and so many more scenarios;some funnier than others.In the end and after a huge amount of grief they finally get their men,er burgers.
The next film finds the two starting where the first film left off.Harold pined throughout the first movie for his sexy apartment neighbour that he had never the courage to ask out.She flew off to Amsterdam and Harold,with Kumar's chiding,decide to fly there in this film to meet up with her unannounced.On the flight Kumar smuggles on some weed and while in the washroom with a home made bong,an elderly lady sees him and thinks its a bomb and yells out "terrorist".In short order both are taken down and shipped to the holding center in Guantanamo Bay,Cuba.While there some real terrorists make an escape attempt which gives the guys their opportunity also.They boat back to the States with some Cuban refugees and land Florida.From here they seek out an old college bud who loans them his car and they head to Texas.It is in Texas where Kumar's old girlfriend,and the one who originally made a stoner out of him,is getting married.Her husband to be got Harold his job so he feels quite respectful of him but Kumar thinks he's less than dirt and wants to bust up the marriage and get his girl back.In the end that is exactly what happens and Kumar and Harold finally seemed bound for a happy ending in life.
Both film feature a nice cameo role by Neil Patrick Harris who plays an over-sexed,drugged up,weird moral-less kind of character.Also both films feature sequences where they run into some strange backwoods couple who help them out along their twisted journey which gives out with some nice humour.The chemistry between these two actors is tremendous which spills out through the camera to us the audience,which in turn boosts ones liking of what transpires on screen;as slim as these plots are.The first film I must say was the flimsiest of the two with little more than a mission to eat as its' main theme,whereas the second added a bit more meat to the bones.Both however are just excuses to throw in numerous sexual/frat like humourous situations.While at times it can get a little been there,done that,the films throw enough of their own original feel in it to make things work.
Technically speaking the films have been transferred nicely and look clear and crisp.They are in their original a/r of 1:78:1,but there are no desserts here people,just the meat and potatoes.
I recommend these two films as they put their own spin on the whole frat humour dynamic.Helping to achieve this are the two characters themselves Kumar and Harold who are very likable and with which we can easily empathize with;which is 90% of the battle in any film.both of these movies for one low price,brand new in blu ray!fn awesome!love these movies.good for a cold winter day to get blazed and watch a movie,lolIt's cheech and chong antics for my generation. It's Harold and Kumar, a great 2 disc unrated capability on one disc. 1st side is Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle unrated then flip over for Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay unrated... but no special features on Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo bay. The original unrated disc menus are also included in look and feel.Enjoyable movie with good sound and excellent picture quality. If all other movies had the quality of this item, watching is a pleasure.
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