Buy Blazing Saddles / Caddyshack / National Lampoon's European Vacation (Triple Feature) (2012) Now
I got this for $10, it was a great deal for great movies! My coworkers have already borrowed them and watched! Ha!The first two, Blazing Saddles and Caddyshack stand on their own. Why NL's Euro Vacation was added is a mystery. Just riding on the shoulders of two classics, and NLEV doesn't stand a chance!What can I say? Caddyshack is the greatest golf movie of all time. Don't take my word for it, it has been said by many of the world's greatest golfers. If you don't laugh, you are dead or need a heart transplant. Blazing Saddles has one of the greatest catch phrases of all time. "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges". Ok, it was originally used in "Treasure of Sierra Madre" but it wasn't funny then, it is funny in this film. Finally, European Vacation is just OK. Considering the price of this bundle, I considered Vacation a freebee. Watch these films a dozen times and pee your pants laughing.Blazing Saddles / Caddyshack / National Lampoon's European Vacation (Triple Feature) (2012)
Posted by
coffee machines
on Friday, January 3, 2014
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