Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009)

Did You Hear About the Morgans?Watch purely for entertainment--it's well worth a rental,& perhaps purchase. For Sara Jessica Parker & Hugh Grant fans, it's right up your alley. It's funny, even though the situation they find themselves in is a bit off-the-wall. The Wyoming setting is great and used well in applying situations for the couple to re-find themselves. Yes, it's a romance/comedy with a very nice romance HALF that those types of movie lovers will find worthy of 5-stars. The comedy is great also, including even some of the outtakes, and special features, including a bear episode with Hugh Grant getting as close as it takes. By the way, SUBTITLES ARE AVAILABLE.

It's not going to become a "classic" or talked about in years to come, or produce a great number of movie spin-offs. However, after you see the outcome, such a delightful finish, you will perhaps wish for a sequel of say, 15 years later, and see how the relationships are going, and a reunion back with Sheriff Clay Wheeler (Sam Elliott)of Ray, Wyoming, and his packin' wife, Emma (Mary Steenburgen). I really loved that pair and their part in the witness-protection-home-away-from-home. Even some western horsin' around for the horse loving viewers.

It's rated PG--meaning Pretty Good entertainment for the family. Not much violence, no blood, no heavy sex, although the stars are considered sexy, and all the other things that most movie makers seem to think necessary to make a film entertaining. This is one to just give you a fun evening in front of the telly with a home-spun bowl of popcorn and perhaps with luck, beside a significant other. Bottom line-----buy it, rent it, borrow it, whatever works, just don't overlook it. IT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR AN EVENING OF ENTERTAINMENT.

Sarah Parker's acting efforts always leave me underwhelmed. So I can't say she disappointed me in this film. I thought she was so-so which is what I always think about her acting. Hugh Grant, however, is a horse of a different color. He is a tremendous comic actor with exquisite timing. When he's got a good script and a good leading lady, he is unbeatable. His ABOUT A BOY is just one example of his performing at the top of his game. Nick Hornby was the writer on ABOUT A BOY though and he is first rate. The screenwriter of this film is no Nick Hornby. The premise is about a Manhatttan couple forced to hide out in the remote West in the witness protection program. They are married but separated yet it is quite obvious they will be getting back together. That's the whole movie. I can't say don't watch it because Grant is funny. He does the most with what he's got. The rest of the movie though is (thankfully) completely forgettable.

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The cover says "the perfect date movie!" How is this the perfect date movie? Its about a married couple having issues, because the man (Hugh Grant) cheated on the woman (Sarah Jessica Parker). They're seperated, getting a divorce, then when he appears to talk with her, they end up witnessing the murder of SJP's client.

Then they get stuck in witness protection together. Which is what Hugh wants, and of course SJP wants to get as far away from him as possible. He does what he can to get her back, and I'm sure you can guess how it comes out.

In witness protection, the movie becomes a fish out of water movie, as an Englishman and an upscale New Yorker are stuck in the country town of Ray, Wyoming with a sheriff and his wife the deputy. SJP as a New Yorker out of her element, was very unfunny and it should be so easy for her.

Another big problem with the movie is after seeing movie trailers for it, I felt like I had seen it before. My friends said the same thing. The movie is also REALLY slow. Every good laugh was shown on the commercials, and its a long way between laughs.

Avoid this movie and see Music & Lyrics with Hugh and Drew Barrymore. Actually Drew Barrymore would have made a much funnier New Yorker in the country. Bad acting on SJP's part.

Read Best Reviews of Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009) Here

Surprised at the so-so ratings on this movie. My husband and I loved it. It is a more 'mature' romantic comedy dealing with heavier issues than normal but written with tremendous depth (Honesty, forgiveness, having the courage to move on, start again, and leave the baggage behind being human and making mistakes desperately wanting to be a parent and the stress it causes in a relationship when it doesn't happen and a love that has the ability to transcend it all if we can move beyond the pain).

We found it to be very funny not slap-stick funny, but rather a dry wit which is rather refreshing. There are no car chases or predictable steamy love scenes, this movie is for someone who wants something more with their popcorn something deeper more real.

Personally, I don't like SJP, but thought she nailed the part of the character no question. The wedding vows in the movie are simply wonderful.... I searched for hours to try and find them and did and have printed them out.

If you exist on Harlequin romances this movie is not for you....

If your intellect stretches beyond that, give this movie a whirl we're sure you will enjoy it!!

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I honestly don't understand all the negative reviews. I thought this movie was incredibly hilarious and had a great plot. Grant and Parker star as a couple named Paul and Meryl Morgan who are on the verge of divorce. After having dinner, they witness a murder and become new targets for the killer. They are forced to relocate to Ray, Wyoming where nothing too much happens. They take refuge in the home of the Wheelers. The Wheelers show Paul and Meryl how to shoot a gun. While hiding out from the killer, who is hot on their trail, the Morgans begin to rekindle their love. I highly recommend DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MORGANS?!!!

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