This movie is nothing like Bridesmaids which has a lighter tone and typical SNL humor. Bachelorette's humor is dark, raw and often sexually profane (may be offensive to some). The movie should have been given a different title so it would not be compared to Bridesmaids. They are nothing alike. It seems that the writer's were going more toward an American Pie/Get Him to the Greek type of humor.
On a positive note, the acting is good and all of the lead actresses give it their best with what they had to work with. I enjoyed it enough to be glad that I watched it. It is the type of movie that left me thinking, "wow, that could have been a really good movie with some changes in the writing and screenplay." The characters could have been developed better to make the audience care more about them and their plights. The real gem of this movie is that the characters are "real" girls with "real" problems that many audience members can relate to. The writers could have toned down the coke emphasis which seemed awkward and out of place in this least for all three main characters. Overall it was still entertaining and the cast made it worth watching.I don't know why I'm the only one who likes this move. Dark, brilliant zingers whiz by the audience's heads like darts in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and three flawed to the point of cruel main characters repeatedly get their asses handed to them until they consent to grow up. Who needs traditionally likable, anyway?the movie was outstanding. i laughed so hard i almost peed myself. if you don't watch this, you are seriously missing out.Better than Bridesmaids. Outrageous but relatable characters. I've watched it 20 times drunk and sober and catch new quotes every time!This was the first time I've ever purchased a pre-theatrical release on Amazon and I was hesitant about shelling out $10 bucks, but it was well worth it. I really disliked Bridesmaids and thought that the humor was uncouth, the characters weren't likeable or believable. Bachelorette is the opposite of that. I know 20somethings like these girls; girls who are struggling with the past & that affects their current lives, girls who are control freaks because they are unhappy. I could relate to this movie and I thought their hijinks were hilarious. Even their foul humor made sense in the context and wasn't being done just to gross you out. Basically, I'd recommend this movie to someone and I'm glad I purchased this pre-release.
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