41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall (2010)

41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah MarshallFor the love of God please let this be the last of the "Spoofing Other, Better Movies" Movies, because this is absolutely the bottom of the barrel. For starters, somehow the people that made this movie failed to see that if any of those other spoof movies were actually any good, it was because they were making fun of movies that weren't already funny i.e. satire. Making a comedy making fun of other comedies is just a stupid idea, and this movie is proof of that theory.

The acting is as bad as the writing crap, crap, and more crap.

For the sake of us all, don't buy this movie you'll only encourage them to make more and they aren't worth the plastic they're printed on.

Let me preface this by saying I love most of the source material, laugh until liver pain during most Apatow movies, and think the spoof genre is hilarious (Leslie Nielsen is a god among men). With that said, the title is the movie and it's completely underwhelming. Former MADtv contributor Bryan Callen is the protagonist of an excruciatingly long and lame movie that poorly attempts to lampoon comedies that are infinitely funnier than this "comedy."

The lineup of spoofed films is as follows (I admit I may have missed a few during my boredom coma):

-40 Year Old Virgin

-Knocked Up

-Forgetting Sarah Marshall

-Superbad (changing McLovin's name to McAnalovin is juvenile, but funny)

-Funny People


-Slumdog Millionaire

-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

There were only two parts of the movie I actually enjoyed. First is a remake of the Dos Equis commercial with "The Most Interesting Man in the World." Funny stuff. The second is during the credits when they take a shot at the Verizon "Can you hear me now" commercials, which caused me to laugh out loud...something that didn't happen much during the actual movie.

The supporting actors are actually the best part of this film. Callen gets completely overshadowed by Steven Sims, who may as well be a Jonah Hill surrogate, by Austin Michael Scott, who did his McLovin impersonation once before in Disaster Movie, and by a brilliant performance by Stephen Kramer Glickman, who absolutely nails the Seth Rogan impersonation. (Unrelated: Glickman got a big break by coming on stage during a Jeffrey Ross standup routine)

Among the many problems with this movie is the simple fact that it's not funny, and I'm nearly the exact target audience. It's not the material. It's the execution...to which I'll add, I'm in favor of it.

Jason Elin

Buy 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall (2010) Now

"The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall And Felt Superbad About It" was written and directed by Craig Moss. It stars Bryan Callen, formerly of MADtv as Andy who is a virgin and goes through elements of the plot lines from "40 Year Old Virgin", "Superbad", "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", "Knocked Up", and even a bit from "Funny People." Andy after being accosted by his friends and after a date falls through with a girl he connected with named Kim (Noureen DeWulf) repeatedly meets up with Sarah (Mircea Monroe) at a bar where she gets really drunk celebrating and comes home with him after much projectile vomit. Sarah comes back the next day pregnant, but it isn't Andy's baby. Also a Jonah Hill look-alike (Steven Sims) is running around and McAnalovin (Austin Michael Scott) is stuck with a couple of crazy cops.

Besides Judd Apatow flicks, some other movies alluded to in this spoof are "Slumdog Millionaire" (McAnalovin has to jump into poo and the film finishes up with a "She's a Ho" instead of "Jai Ho" dance number), "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", Verizon Wireless ("Can you hear me now?"), and the Most Interesting Man Beer commercials.

As far as spoof comedy goes, at least the story flows ok. Sometimes spoofs are just stories and sometimes they are just minor skits loosely stuck together and this one does blend both of those formats well to incorporate outside the genre jokes as well as this tribute to Judd Apatow's brand of romantic comedy. Everything about it is extreme and gross-out humor, swearing, and sexual humor abounds. Very silly, but better than some of the stretched out spoof films out there like "Date Movie" or any "Scary Movie" after the first one. Some of the humor is REALLY nasty, but there is an audience out there for it that would like it. It went a little too far for me at times, but overall I find a lot of it to be funny.

Bonus Features:

There is a fourteen minute long making of the movie where they talk about getting a choreographer for the Ballywood sequence and that the director's wife is one of the Krämer twins in the film among other tidbits of information.

Business of Gags talks about how certain props were found and made like Andy's dong and chastity belt. Also you'll get to see McAnalovin get pelted with Diet Coke from a hose and the hair waxing gag. You'll learn the recipe to practical puke versus puke from a cannon.

Being Jonah Hill is an interesting little clip about how they found Steven Sims on YouTube after having a lot of difficulty finding a lookalike in his short film about being mistaken for Jonah Hill. Bryan Callen: Internet Sex Diety is about Callen's career on MADtv where he wore a leopard thong as Pool Boy and generated a lot of fan mail from jails.

There is a featurette about getting the movie made where the guys attempted to just pitch the title without a script. Then they decided to film a trailer for it with their friends (still with no script) and brought that to the pitch hoping it would get picked up and that eventually worked and you can see the trailer on this DVD.

Read Best Reviews of 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall (2010) Here

I'm going to go ahead and give a completely uneducated review on this movie since it's just not worth spending too much time reviewing. It sucks. Bryan Callen is the only reason I watched the whole thing. Seriously, a parody is supposed to be funnier or at the very least as funny as the original. This is one of those movies that will be on Comedy Central every Saturday at two in the morning for a month or so and then fade into obscurity. The formula for comedy is ridiculous in this movie. They basically take a funny moment from an original Apatow movie and turn it into an extreme, over the top, ridiculous moment. It doesn't work. I sat down watching this movie thinking that it must have some shred of originality or else it would have never been made, right? Wrong. I want to write so much more and give a million examples of why this movie sucks, but like I said, it's not worth my effort. By the way, I don't want to discourage anybody from watching this. You can all learn the hard way like I did. It sucks.

Want 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall (2010) Discount?

I thought this movie had some very funny moments, but others were gross and annoying. One part I loved was that it spoofed Twilight, because I can't stand Twilight. Bryan Callen stars as Andy, a 41 year old who really wants to lose his virginity. His friends from the movies Superbad, Knocked Up, and Benjamin Button try to help him along the way. He meets Sarah at a bar, and she thinks that Andy is her baby's daddy after a 1 night stand. Andy begins to fall in love with another woman named Kim. Who will he choose? If you like spoofs and silly comedy, you may enjoy THE 41 YEAR OLD VIRGIN WHO KNOCKED UP SARAH MARSHALL AND FELT SUPERBAD ABOUT IT!!!

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