I love all three of these actors but didn't know what to expect from the three of them together. I was pleasantly surprised with the result. Tracy Morgan is hilarious as always, but he also gives a surprisingly heartfelt performance that goes great with Eisenberg and Leo.

Just stumbled on "Why Stop Now" and thought it was great. Totally quirky comedy which never gets pedantic and seldom loses its sense of humor. Eisenberg is perfect for the part of Eli, and even brings a new sort of boldness to the table in this role that I don't recall seeing in his previous characters. The drug dealers (Tracy Morgan and Isiah Whitlock Jr.) were hilarious. For me the comedy really came through in the banter between these two who took over many of the scenes they were in. I didn't know what to expect of this one, but really enjoyed it!
Buy Why Stop Now (2012) Now
Social outcast and bad drinker Eli( Jesse Eisenberg) works as a stock boy but aspires to go to a prestigious arts college. His former teacher Dave (Neal Huff) has managed to arrange an audition for him. On the morning of the audition, Eli attempts to quickly straighten out a home life that has always teetered on disaster. His sister Nicole (Emma Rayne Lyle) talks to people through a foul mouthed sock puppet that needs to be laundered. His waitress mother (Melissa Leo) needs to go to rehab. However things don't go as planned.
Rehab won't accept Eli's mother Penny because her urine is currently clean and she doesn't have insurance. They suggest she do drugs to dirty up her urine. Eli aids and abets his mother on her quest. He runs into the likes of drug dealer "Sprinkles" (Tracy Morgan). At this point the comedy kicks into gear. Eli ends up as a translator between Sprinkles and his Spanish speaking connection.
The film has some comedy scenes, most notable when Tracy Morgan is involved, but for the most part it is a drama that involves people with some type of problem which can be argued that they center around Penny's addiction. It is not a dark comedy per se, the comedy is not about dark material.
Eli's attraction for Chloe (Sarah Ramos) didn't seem to be well developed. Tracy Morgan as a drug dealer and his sidekick Black (Isiah Whitlock Jr.) lacked credibility in those roles as they were comically written while the other characters were more serious. It is a feel good movie, but not one that will make you hold your side with laughter.
Parental Guide: F-bombs, no sex, no nudity.
Read Best Reviews of Why Stop Now (2012) Here
Hey guys, if you are looking for a very funny film that deals with interesting issues and has a great cast, this is it! Highly suggested...
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Tracy Morgan gives an incredible performance. It was a nice surprise to see that the funny man can actually act and not just do his crazy Tracy Jordan routine. Jessie Eisenberg and Melissa Leo also give strong performances as usual.
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