ExTerminators (2009)

ExTerminatorsThis is a chick comedy, but not a "chick flick." It is a comedy women would enjoy more than men, but also one men can enjoy. I would rate it four and a half stars. Heather Graham (Alex)gets fired from her job and comes home early to find her boy friend with another woman (relationship over). She has some penned up frustrations. While out shopping for a blouse, a man takes the one she wants to buy. When he refuses to let her have the blouse, she knocks him out, something the movie claims is illegal in Texas. At her court mandated anger management class she meets up with other angry women. One of which is Jennifer Coolidge (Stella) who runs an exterminator company and Nikki (Amber Heard) who is a dental technician who sucks on lolly-pops during most of the movie, when she is not drinking or smoking. The girls meet at a dive bar after group therapy to kick back a few. Nikki, who looks adorable, has some real issues and decides to handle men (a-holes) by giving them what they deserve. At one point in the movie she sets a drunk on fire who has been patting women on the butt.

Alex is hired by Stella to look over her books as she is being audited. As it turns out the IRS agent is a stalker who sneaks around and takes photos of Heather. Meanwhile at the bar, a woman from the group is punched in the face by her drunk husband (movie shows her getting hit and going to the floor). Our aforesaid trio follows the drunk husband by car and runs him off the road (and perhaps the only cliff in Texas) to his fiery death. The girls decide to be quiet about the whole incident, which is later ruled an accident. Heather, who watches "Law and Order" comes up with the proper alibi that police can't verify is a lie. Later Heather starts to date the detective investigating the death and murders in the city. After another man dies, Heather suspects her girlfriends kill more than bugs.

Amber Heard as Nikki was the most colorful character in the group. Her attitude and lines were the best, especially the story she tells about how she paid for her prom dress. No nudity. Adult situations and the f-bomb. AMBER! AMBER! AMBER!

Occasionally a movie comes along that never makes it to most theaters, that doesn't garner a lot of attention but that does offer a decent night's rental. These aren't movies that are Oscar bound or raking in big bucks, but they do offer a nice evening's entertainment. EX-TERMINATORS is one of those films.

Heather Graham stars as Alex, a young woman who works hard, helps people and supports her jobless boyfriend. When she discovers him cheating on her, she boots him out. Unfortunately she also loses her job about his time. While in a grocery store she picks out a pie to purchase, sets it down to do something and turns to find a man has taken her pie. A smart aleck comment and a tossed punch by Alex finds her before a judge and sent to anger management class.

During the class she makes friends with several other battered women including Stella (Jennifer Coolidge) and Nikki (Amber Heard). Either involved in abusive relationships or having been taken advantage of, you find yourself sympathizing with each of them. When the girls get together to follow one friend's physically abusive husband, they accidentally kill him...and get away with it. Their friend inherits money, is down one abusive spouse and is happy now. And realizing what probably happened, she pays off her friends for their good deed.

Seeing potential in this sort of business, the friends decide to make big bucks offing the ex's of the women they meet in their anger management class. They then funnel the funds through the bug killing business of Stella. When an IRS agent with an agenda of his own begins to put the screws to the girls, they have to make a choice. Go straight or deal with this new problem. A difficult decision at best since the number of members for their anger management keeps increasing once word gets out and the money keeps coming in.

This film is basically a fantasy project for women who have been taken advantage of in one way or another. And it rings true in many cases. I did find it hard to believe that there was only one sympathetic male character in the whole movie, a cop investigating the murders who falls in love with Graham, but it didn't take that much away from the film. It was an amusing tale that for a direct to DVD film didn't turn out too bad.

Once again we're not witnessing Oscar material here but we are seeing something that isn't as bad as some of the choices that have been nominated in the recent past. The movie is well made, well acted and entertaining.

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This is a straight to video movie, which is very unfortunate because it was an excellent movie. I didn't know anything about this movie until I watched it on hulu. The movie is about women getting revenge on men who wronged them and other women. It is full of laughs and you wonder if the women are going to get caught. This is one of the best chick comedies/chick flicks around with a great cast.

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Hilarious dark comedy. Plot twists and turns. Great acting! As soon as I'm done writing this review, I'm going to watch this film again.

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The wife and I watched this movie together, for the first time tonight. We both loved it. Actually we will get more to give to friends and relation, as we both know people in these types of situations. The movie was great fun to watch, with pretty good music. It keeps you intrerested and you end up wishing they would make a sequil. A short plot explanation; Various women do bad things to men, with good reason generally. They get arrested and the judge makes them go to anger management/ mental health classes for women only! After class they go out to a bar for drinks, after every class. Things start to get real good as the drinks flow and more bad men have bad things happen to them. Then things start to get out of hand. Amber Heard is really good in this one, and tends to run away with the show. A very enjoyable movie to watch. No nudity, and little to no gore, but this movie doesn't need any of it, as it is very good on it's own merits.

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